Cannot rename or move files in an rclone mounted remote. Renaming or moving folders works flawlessly

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I cannot rename or move files in an rclone mounted remote, because the window becomes unresponsive for minutes and eventually I have to force stop the operation. This even happens if I want to rename individual files with very short names, like "this is a test file.png" to "this.png".

Renaming or moving folders in an rclone mounted remote works perfectly and there is very little lag. Streaming files/videos from an rclone mounted remote also works perfectly.

I seem to have a similar issue as this user, except that I'm not connecting to a server remotely via SFTP. I just mount a remote on my local machine and try to do normal rename/move file operations.

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)


Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)

Windows 7 x64

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google Drive

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone mount an531_crypt:\ Y: -vv --log-file C:\Users\an531\Desktop\mylogfile.txt

A log from the command with the -vv flag (eg output from rclone -vv copy /tmp remote:tmp)


2020/04/22 03:12:20 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.51.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "mount" "an531_crypt:\test" "Y:" "-vv" "--log-file" "C:\Users\an531\Desktop\mylogfile.txt"]
2020/04/22 03:12:20 DEBUG : Using config file from "C:\Users\an531\.config\rclone\rclone.conf"
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : Encrypted drive 'an531_crypt:/test': Mounting on "Y:"
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : Adding path "vfs/forget" to remote control registry
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : Adding path "vfs/refresh" to remote control registry
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : Adding path "vfs/poll-interval" to remote control registry
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : Encrypted drive 'an531_crypt:/test': Mounting with options: ["-o" "fsname=an531_crypt:/test" "-o" "subtype=rclone" "-o" "max_readahead=131072" "-o" "attr_timeout=1" "-o" "atomic_o_trunc" "-o" "uid=-1" "-o" "gid=-1" "--FileSystemName=rclone" "-o" "volname=an531_crypt test"]
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : Encrypted drive 'an531_crypt:/test': Init:
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : Encrypted drive 'an531_crypt:/test': >Init:
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: Statfs:
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: >Statfs: stat={Bsize:4096 Frsize:4096 Blocks:274877906944 Bfree:272941339733 Bavail:274877906944 Files:1000000000 Ffree:1000000000 Favail:0 Fsid:0 Flag:0 Namemax:255}, errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: Readlink:
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: >Readlink: linkPath="", errc=-40
The service rclone has been started.
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: Statfs:
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: >Statfs: stat={Bsize:4096 Frsize:4096 Blocks:274877906944 Bfree:272941339733 Bavail:274877906944 Files:1000000000 Ffree:1000000000 Favail:0 Fsid:0 Flag:0 Namemax:255}, errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x0
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x0
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x0
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x0
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x0
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x0
2020/04/22 03:12:22 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:24 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:24 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:24 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:24 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:24 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2020/04/22 03:12:24 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2020/04/22 03:12:24 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=
2020/04/22 03:12:24 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x0

[cut out; log too long]

2020/04/22 03:12:25 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:25 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:25 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:25 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2020/04/22 03:12:25 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2020/04/22 03:12:25 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=
2020/04/22 03:12:25 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x2
2020/04/22 03:12:25 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x2
2020/04/22 03:12:25 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:25 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

[cut out; log too long]

2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x4
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x4
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Open: flags=0x0
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: Open: flags=O_RDONLY
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: >Open: fd=this is a test file.png (r), err=
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >OpenFile: fd=this is a test file.png (r), err=
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Open: errc=0, fh=0x4
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x5
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x5
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:26 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 0 length 4096 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Read: n=4096
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 4096 length 8192 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Flush: fh=0x4
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 12288 length 16384 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Flush: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 28672 length 32768 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Read: ofst=0, fh=0x3
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Read: n=4096
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 61440 length 65536 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Release: fh=0x4
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Read: ofst=8, fh=0x3
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Release: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Read: n=4096
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Read: ofst=16, fh=0x3
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Open: flags=0x0
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: Open: flags=O_RDONLY
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: >Open: fd=this is a test file.png (r), err=
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >OpenFile: fd=this is a test file.png (r), err=
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Open: errc=0, fh=0x4
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: from 4104 to 16 (fs.RangeSeeker)
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.RangeSeek from 126976 to 16 length -1
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at -1 length 4096 chunkOffset 16 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.openRange at 16 length 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Open: flags=0x0
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: Open: flags=O_RDONLY
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: >Open: fd=this is a test file.png (r), err=
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >OpenFile: fd=this is a test file.png (r), err=
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Open: errc=0, fh=0x5
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x6
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x6
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 4112 length 8192 chunkOffset 16 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 12304 length 16384 chunkOffset 16 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 28688 length 32768 chunkOffset 16 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 61456 length 65536 chunkOffset 16 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Read: n=4096
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Flush: fh=0x5
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Flush: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Getattr: fh=0x4
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Release: fh=0x5
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Release: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Read: ofst=33, fh=0x3
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Read: n=4096
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Open: flags=0x0
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: Open: flags=O_RDONLY
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: >Open: fd=this is a test file.png (r), err=
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >OpenFile: fd=this is a test file.png (r), err=
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Open: errc=0, fh=0x5
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Read: ofst=0, fh=0x4
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.openRange at 0 length 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 126992 length 131072 chunkOffset 16 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 258064 length 262144 chunkOffset 16 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 520208 length 524288 chunkOffset 16 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 1044496 length 1048576 chunkOffset 16 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 2093072 length 1048576 chunkOffset 16 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 3141648 length 1048576 chunkOffset 16 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 4190224 length 1048576 chunkOffset 16 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x6
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x6
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x6
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x6
2020/04/22 03:12:27 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 0 length 4096 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Read: n=4096
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 4096 length 8192 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Read: ofst=0, fh=0x5
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 12288 length 16384 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.openRange at 0 length 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 28672 length 32768 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 61440 length 65536 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 126976 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 258048 length 262144 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 520192 length 524288 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 1044480 length 1048576 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 2093056 length 1048576 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 3141632 length 1048576 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 0 length 4096 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Read: n=4096
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Read: ofst=8, fh=0x3
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Getattr: fh=0x4
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Getattr: fh=0x5
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: from 4129 to 8 (fs.RangeSeeker)
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.RangeSeek from 5238800 to 8 length -1
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 4096 length 8192 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 12288 length 16384 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:28 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at -1 length 4096 chunkOffset 8 chunkSize 134217728

[cut out; log too long]

2020/04/22 03:12:46 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Read: n=4096
2020/04/22 03:12:46 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 77953 length 16384 chunkOffset 65665 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:46 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 94337 length 32768 chunkOffset 65665 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:46 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 127105 length 65536 chunkOffset 65665 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:46 DEBUG : Encrypted drive 'an531_crypt:/test': Destroy:
2020/04/22 03:12:46 DEBUG : Encrypted drive 'an531_crypt:/test': >Destroy:
2020/04/22 03:12:46 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.51.0" finishing with parameters ["rclone" "mount" "an531_crypt:\test" "Y:" "-vv" "--log-file" "C:\Users\an531\Desktop\mylogfile.txt"]
2020/04/22 03:12:46 DEBUG : Calling host.Unmount
2020/04/22 03:12:46 DEBUG : host.Unmount failed

Can you stop the service, enable debugging and recreate the issue and share the full log?

you can run the command with --progress, so that you can see what is going on in real-time

I'm not sure what you mean exactly. An excerpt from the log is in the OP. I couldn't post the whole thing, because it was too long. This process fills the log file extremely fast.

Due to the fact that the process in question creates a lot of output, I redirected it to the log file via --log-file C:\Users\an531\Desktop\mylogfile.txt. It is my understanding that all -P information will be shown in the log, which is in the OP.

what program are you using to rename file?

I mean post the whole log and not an excerpt of it. The log you shared just shows a file opening and closing with no issues in it.

No program. I mounted my encrypted remote as a drive in Windows and tried to rename/move files as I do with other files in Windows.

The entire log cannot be posted due to a limitation of this website. This is despite the fact that the operation lasted less than a minute. The file was not renamed in the end and the window becomes unresponsive. I think that the log shows that rclone goes into some sort of a loop, although there are no errors per se.

Below is the full log from that operation. I ended it after less than a minute, because it creates a lot of output, but it goes on without end when I leave it running. Again, files is never renamed and window becomes unresponsive.

mylogfile.txt (128.6 KB)

You link the log and not "post" the whole thing as it's not a limitation as we don't want to have huge posts in the forums as that's common practice.

How are you renaming the file?

what is the name of the file you are trying to rename.

By limitation, I mean that there is a limit on the number of characters that I can post, not that this forum is inadequate in any way...

That log actually has errors in it:

2020/04/22 03:12:45 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Read: n=4096
2020/04/22 03:12:45 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Read: ofst=361009, fh=0x3
2020/04/22 03:12:45 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: waiting for in-sequence read to 361009 for 5ms
2020/04/22 03:12:45 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: ChunkedReader.Read at 192641 length 131072 chunkOffset 65665 chunkSize 134217728
2020/04/22 03:12:45 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: aborting in-sequence read wait, off=361009
2020/04/22 03:12:45 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: failed to wait for in-sequence read to 361009
2020/04/22 03:12:45 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Read: n=4096
2020/04/22 03:12:45 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Read: ofst=319989, fh=0x5
2020/04/22 03:12:45 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: waiting for in-sequence read to 319989 for 5ms
2020/04/22 03:12:45 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: aborting in-sequence read wait, off=319989
2020/04/22 03:12:45 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: failed to wait for in-sequence read to 319989
2020/04/22 03:12:45 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Read: n=4096
2020/04/22 03:12:45 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Read: ofst=69761, fh=0x4
2020/04/22 03:12:45 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: >Read: n=4096
2020/04/22 03:12:45 DEBUG : /this is a test file.png: Read: ofst=369213, fh=0x3
2020/04/22 03:12:45 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: waiting for in-sequence read to 369213 for 5ms
2020/04/22 03:12:45 DEBUG : this is a test file.png: aborting in-sequence read wait, off=369213

Which you removed from your OP by cutting it out.

What version of of WinFSP are you using?

"this is a test file.png" to "this.png"

WinFsp 2020 v1.6.20027

you had use some program to rename.
windows explorer.
command line - cmd
command line - powershell

you can try to rename on command line as a test

1 Like

This works. Good idea. There seems to be more lag during that operation than when I rename any folder in a mounted remote, but it does work.

However, needless to say, I would still like to be able to accomplish this task in the conventional way for Windows.

mount on windows has lots of problems.
rclone is written for linux, which has a FUSE.
but on windows, we have to rely on a third-party clone of fuse.
also, gdrive has lots of limitations in terms of transactions per second that could be affecting your performance.
i use wasabi, a s3 rclone and my files name instantly.

about your mount, what is its purpose?
to copy large amount of files to the remote as a kind of backup?
to use it as primary storage?
to stream vidoes?

The thing is that renaming and moving folders (even very large ones) works as it should. All I want is to be able to do the same for files.

I would like to use it for three things:

(1) To stream videos.

(2) To organise my data. I try to upload my data through cmd in an already well-organised form, but sometimes I want to reorganise. Move multiple files, folders, rename them... Drag&drop to move and double-click to rename are the most convenient, efficient and fast methods I know.

(3) To keep my source and destination in sync after simple renames in source. This is related to (2). Currently, I don't know of any easy way to make rclone recognise renames for an encrypted remote. I seems to me that it would just be easier to replicate the filename changes in destination, perhaps even using a sync program (although I haven't tried it yet). I hear that some major improvements in that area might be coming in rclone v1.52.

a few suggestions.

try this

try to use something other than windows explorer.
i have not used that in 10+ years.
i use open source doublecommander.

if you want to stream videos, you can use
rclone mount serve dlna
and if you use vlc or other video player, it will see that dlna server.

1 Like

This should work fine and be instant - renaming files is an easy thing for Google Drive to do.

I would say that this is probably something to do with the WinFSP setup, so its version or how it is started. Can you try running rclone mount from a cmd windows as you (rather than as a service) and see if that works?

Another good call. It seems to work quite normally via FileZilla Pro. There is some temporary unresponsiveness, but it's not too bad...

Could you please elaborate on this a little more? I'm not sure what you mean or how to do this. Also, renaming files in a mounted remote seems to be working through everything (like cmd ren or FileZilla Pro), although there is some temporary unresponsiveness, except the Windows Explorer.

your version of winfsp is the latest stable, same as i use.

there are a few ways to run rclone mount.
you can run it from the command line or script, running under your username
if your login username has administrator rights, you can run rclone two ways from the command line.

  1. as username with administrator rights.
  2. as username without administrator rights.
    compare these two commands lines


you can also run rclone mount as a system service.
it is preferred to run the mount as system user for several reasons about windows limitations.