ACD BAN/Alternatives discussion (error HTTP code 429)

Hallo zusammen,

hatte mich an den Support gewandt heute. Nach einer recht nüchternen “Wir kümmern uns drum, bla bla Antwort” wollte ich genaueres wissen und habe nochmal nachgefragt. Habe darauf folgende Antwort bekommen:

Hallo Herr Bach,

es tut mir leid, dass es Probleme mit AmazonCloud Drive gibt und Sie das Tool Rclone nicht ausnutzen können um auf die Cloud zuzugreifen.

Sie nutzten für den Zugriff auf Amazon Drive ein “Rclone” von 2P. Rclone wurde jedoch ab hute deaktiviert. Daher ist kein Zugang zu Amazon Drive über Rclone mehr möglich.

Aus diesem Grund haben Sie auch einen 429 Fehler erhalten.

Bitte haben Sie Verständnis, dass wir aus diesem Grunde keine weiteren Informationen zu diesem Thema geben können.

Sie können einen unserer Amazon Drive Apps (verfügbar für PC/Mac/IOS/Android) zum synchronisieren/hochladen/verbinden mit Amazon Drive ausnutzen.

Zu diesem Zeitpunkt endet bei Amazon Drive die Einladung für neue Third Party Apps."

Bedanke mich ganz herzlich für Ihr Verständnis und wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Tag noch.

Freundliche Grüße
Edith Schwarz

Das war’s dann wohl mit Unlimited Encrypted Storage :wink:


Sieht so aus, sehr schade. Muss ich jetzt wirklich alles über das Amazon Tool uploaden?

Roughly translated @bachph had an email from Amazon where they claimed to have banned rclone. They suggest using the Amazon client to access ACD files…



Well as you maybe know, Amazon DE support is the best from all, cause it’s not completely outsourced. In the main business time you always get 1. and 2. level supporters which are real and not working from india.
You can say for 99% it’s true that Rclone is banned.

Also that they are no longer accepting new third-party apps to link to amazon cloud drive. Doesn’t look promising.

So on the (not unreasonable) assumption that we now have to download all our encrypted data locally and use a local rclone mirror to decrypt it, does anyone have a recommendation for an app to download from Amazon Cloud Drive? The official Amazon app is barfing on the rclone’s long pathnames, so far I’ve had 191 files fail to sync due to “file path too long”.

I’ve got a lot of data in there that isn’t backed up anywhere else, in theory it’s throwaway data so I’m not too worried but if there’s a way to save it I’d like to have a go.

So assuming that this is the case. Where does that leave those of us with encrypted rclone backups?

tulriw9d I’m assuming we can download the data then create a local directory-to-directory rclone mount, then layer an encryption layer on it with the same password as the original amazon mount, and extract the data that way.

Phew because I only found this thread after a complete ZFS failure and am in need of my backups

Oh, sorry guys. What was I thinking writing in german.

I try to translate it for you:

We are sorry that you have problems using AmazonCloud Drive and that you can’t use rclone to access the cloud.

You actually use “Rclone” from 2P to access the Amazon Drive. Since today rclone is deactivated. Therefore the access to Amazon Cloud Drive is not possible anymore.

Because of that reason you received the 429 Error.

Please show understanding that we cant give you more information about the topic.

You can use the Amazon Drive Apps (available on PC/Mac/IOS/Android) to synchronize/upload/connect with the Amazon Cloud Drive.

At this point of time the Amazon Drive invitationf or new Third Party Apps ends.



Thanks for the translation :slight_smile:

It is not looking good I must admit. Hopefully @ncw will have answers soon.


So it seems they banned all 3rd party apps and they won’t give access anymore? Amazzzshit :rage:

you like trolling, don’t you? The email says deactivated, not banned. Actually, I can still see the app linked to my account.

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Right, I’d be surprised if they banned 3rd-party access for Synology etc.

banned … deactivated … doesn’t matter in this post I guess. Of course it is a big difference, but at the end everyone who get’s here is pissed that rclone <-> acd doesn’t work anymore. But yes, I’m not banned, so I can access the drive from the web without problems. But with rclone you will get errors.

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The main problem is amazon do not accept new register for developer.
No more linux client.

Interesting part is since all the deactivations and bans (rclone and acdcli) their GUI is really really snappy quick now. I’m going to guess Amazon sees that as well.


Amazon == United Airlines
It’s obviously necessary to ban them from any serious storage solution.

Thanks to the rclone and acd_cli comunity!

The users didn’t hurt this. Amazon didn’t manage their unlimited service will enough with throttles and API limits. This is exactly why Google has tighter limits and people get annoyed.

There is something going on with ACD across many applications.

Goodsync is only transferring the odd file - most are bombing with Bad Request (status code 400): Cannot read from request. Sometimes a file makes it through

Photosync on iphone will transfer 1 or 2 photos and then bomb out.

Unlike acd_cli, that clearly had a security issues and were removed from the allowed applications under account, all these are still there.

We clearly need to wait for more information as there is an issue with a lot of apps at the moment.