I’m getting the following error for EVERYTHING i do on ACD, copy, mount, even ls. I called ACD support and they can’t see the problem.
(error HTTP code 429: "429 Too Many Requests": response body: "{\"message\":\"Rate exceeded\"}")
I’ve seen this error before but only intermittently. And google isn’t really helping. I’m hoping someone here has had this issue before and can help. Please
I just started getting these errors around 20 minutes ago too. I can download from the website but everything else fails. I can’t offer a solution but there is some comfort in knowing you are not alone.
I’ll add a big “ditto” here. I have my rclone config on two servers (in the same location) and I’m getting the response on both machines. Even simple commands like “rclone lsd acd:” don’t complete. And with the -vv option, I get repeating 429 errors.
What’s weird, is the web interface is working. (Not that I can play encrypted movies from the web interface.) I thought I’d gotten my account frozen, but I logged in fine to the web.
but directly from my cached mount works fine. Sorry its messed up here too. That probably why the website works. Different methods for API calls I guess.
Same here! Using the NA-endpoint (North-American), but my server resides somewhere in Germany. Getting the exact same issue, can’t even LS or mount my drives without getting the message.