"Unlimited" alternatives to Google Drive, what are the options?

Good deal - did you had to request the space increase?

With an address from the UK and a credit card from the UK, or just over VPN travel? :slight_smile:

Less than 24 hours into using my LayerOnline sub and rclone is reporting insufficient space. I've opened tickets but nobody is replying

Not good. GDrive or Dropbox underneath?

Dropbox, they've now responded so I guess they're watching this thread :grinning:

Ticket submitted to Dropbox. Normally it should auto increase but sometimes it didn't kick in.

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Is it available then? I thought it was a momentary glitch

Did you opened a ticket at layeronline or direct at dropbox?

Address in the UK, Credit Card in the UK, had to request space increase from 1TB

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I opened a ticket with LayerOnline, they say they've opened a ticket with Dropbox. It's still not resolved, my rclone is flat out trying to upload what's in the cache which is only 160GB and I estimate I've not uploaded anywhere near 1TB yet as I was just testing with small backup folders. Not a good start tbh!

You are in the same space as others, maybe a few heavy users.
Under settings/plan you can see the current and the limit.

Using 76.2 TB of 69.53 TB

yeah, I purchased access Friday, and its been almost full since so I haven't been able to transfer much to it.. I don't really see it getting better as more members join..

No change this morning, think I'll ask for a refund, disappointed

I guess we all are here on the same space. I could only upload 6TB, and nothing more. As it is full.

Somethings going on when there's been no resolution from Dropbox on the ticket they opened. Reports from others using Dropbox is they just contact support and more space is assigned without issue

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But its weekend...

I guess they're not considered an important corporate customer with a SLA and 24/7 support

Unfortunately even their business plans are limited to M-F, excluding holidays, business hours only. You have to have Enterprise to get any sort of weekend/holiday support. I expect we won't see anything until Tuesday or Wednesday.

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Guess I was wrong in expecting them to have an enterprise account :confused:

I'm still waiting for their response. Cannot upload anything since it's full.