"Unlimited" alternatives to Google Drive, what are the options?

Sure there is:


Everyone saying they have limited storage on Advanced plan though?

I can't see any reference to limited storage in my account... Do uploads just stop working randomly?

If you click your user on the top right, then settings, then plan you should see space?

In return i'm wondering where you see your screenshot, i'm kinda interested in what i'm using when it comes to API hits :slight_smile:

Ahh thanks - I can see a 5TB limit. Damn.

API info as at the bottom of Admin Console > Billing

At the beginning it will likely automatically increase every time you get close to the limit, but at some point (for me it started at 28 TB) you'll have to ask Support to extend your storage space. As long as you don't ask for over 10TB once a week or so, it shouldn't be a problem. Just don't expect them to give you 100 TB or something all at once.

If anyone is interested I have signed to box.com business plan and I have available slots if anyone is interested in sharing the costs

And dropbox have now dropped down to 9TB a week when you request more space.

I did push it a bit, and got this

We understand this may be frustrating and when we have any updates, we will inform you. If you would like to cancel your subscription, we are able to provide you a full refund.

Which I read as, take what's on offer or go away...

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I did a 10TB increase about 24 hrs ago... damn I'll report back in 1 week when i request again.

I tried to peruse this topic, and I'm left wondering what is the draw to dropbox over box? Is there any downside to box for about half the price of dropbox?

Maybe trust? I assume more people will go to box and they will go back on the unlimited sooner than Dropbox

trust with dropbox made me laugh.

falsely promoting ā€œunlimited/as much storage space as you needā€œ, claiming technical issues for weeks before stating there is a temporary 10tb/week limit and now even reducing this to 9tbā€¦

but future will tell how this story continuesā€¦

Both of them will go back on unlimited, that's for sure, if you don't have previous references then "trust" will come from the bigger name, which is Dropbox in this case.

Is box even cheaper? I thought they were the same price.

What I see is this

Service Plan Price Users Storage
Dropbox Advanced $24 / user / month 3+ users Unlimited
Box Business $15 / user / month* 3+ users Unlimited

Maybe I'm missing a plan from dropbox? The box price requires you pay annually.

How much ā€œunlimited storageā€ does box provide right off the bat?

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It shows me 1PB available in the app. Also, there is no need to request storage.

My chat with Dropbox.

Agent: To increase your storage space, you will need to purchase a Business Advanced subscription.
( 15:45:03 ) Visitor: Oh no worries i'll cancel the trial right way, i don't like how google treat customers, so i want to move away from them .
( 15:45:49 ) Visitor: if i cancel the trial how much space does that give me?
( 15:48:05 ) Agent: Currently, we are experiencing an issue with adding quota to Business Advanced subscriptions. This means that for the time being, we can only add 1TB to your account.

So yeah not even 10TB or 9TB a week. 1TB for 90$/m is underwhelming.

You are late to this game! Our group (4 of us) have been with Dropbox a while (2 months), initially got 150TB, then 50TB on request weekly as we migrated from Google, then 2 weeks ago we got 10TB and now 9TB last week. We've all migrated so this is no longer an issue, 9TB per week is plenty for us and we have 30TB+ free at present (350TB+ total). Dropbox are simply running out of space with the demand


Well.. to be honest i just received my google email about the storage, thankfully i don't really use them as my primary storage they are in fact a backup in case my home NAS faces problems, and i am not using too much either like 60TB for few years.

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Box is 5 users, not?