"Unlimited" alternatives to Google Drive, what are the options?

Also yeah even for me 38tb +10tb/week is better than google's 50tb+25tb every 13 weeks.

The prices are very interesting. They do not publish their API, but it seems some enterprising soul reverse-engineered it and from their results, a couple of months ago @wiserain wrote an rclone backend for it: pikpak: add support for PikPak by wiserain · Pull Request #6765 · rclone/rclone · GitHub, PikPak

The problem I see is with their unpublished API status, and rclone backend being derived from reverse-engineering: they could change their API at any time and lock you out of your data, or even banish rclone and then you're SoL.

I would not recommend, but I'm interested in hearing the experience of others.

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@Turner, one very important point is in how many files were in these 60TB. Could you please run an rclone size on your remote and show us the output, along with the current total of API calls as shown at Box's Platform Report ?

Same concern here. Rclone can be banned at anytime. Also the special price is only for initial payment. From the second month or year, it will not be so much attractive.

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Thanks for the heads-up re: the price. So it's even less interesting than I thought.

Company without address, hiding domain owner identification in the Whois and offering something far below market prices. In addition advertising how good their storage is for torrenting.

What can go wrong...


What are the limits for advanced as I didn't see them on their comparison page.

I have read parts of the thread but anyone can give a tldr on dropbox vs box? As I see their pricing is not that different.

My grace period ended today. I can still do everything except upload. Since I'm not migrating anywhere else, my plan is to leave it up and running (paid for, of course) until the big G decides to delete it all.


Box.com was for me to slow. I Had only 160 Mbit/s and with this my Migration Takes forever....Dropbox hast good Speed but 10TB per week is Not enouth

Are you sure the slowness is on Box part? I've started migrating yesterday and so far it's an average of over 33MB/s net speed as shown on rclone's progress messages -- ie, minimum 270Mbit/s raw network speed (without taking into account all the layers under rclone), and in my case I'm pretty sure the limit is at my machine's interconnection and will try and get a 10GBps VPS somewhere to speed it up.

What's not been great with Box so far is file creation speed: a simple test of copying 1000 1-byte files took over 1400s -- so less than 1.4 files/second which is probably going to be a problem once my copy hits the directories where I have a ton of small files.

And their usage accounting/reporting SUCKS: their site is showing space utilization from at least 8 hours ago, and their Platform Utilization report is delayed by at least 26 hours (still trying to determine how delayed their numbers are, but so far it does not look pretty).

My plan is the same re:my old EDU account -- which is still up and accessible in read-only mode even after all of 6 months and that without me paying anything as it was always 'free' to begin with.

Which begs the question on what exactly Google is expecting to gain by pulling the rug from under everyone on Drive -- our data is still there and using up their HDD arrays and disk ports on their enclosures and whatever else, so it's not like they are saving anything at least not right now, and getting a pretty bad reputation in the process.

And their usage accounting/reporting SUCKS: their site is showing space utilization from at least 8 hours ago, and their Platform Utilization report is delayed by at least 26 hours (still trying to determine how delayed their numbers are, but so far it does not look pretty).

I'm trying out Box as well, the API usage is delayed with at least 48hrs. On the 25th you can see the usage up to and including the 22nd.

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Well, they put a stop to petabytes uploads, I suppose. For those that did petabytes upload, that is.

Aso got my grace period email today. I have until the end of September.

So as far as I've read, about 19 days in past in this post, Box.com seems to be the way to go?

I have videos on GDrive accessible over rclone, this all runs through a seedbox. I am close to 300TB used space.

Is Box the way to go then? Large files in my drive, 80GB sometimes (can be taken care of with a chunker) I guess.

What's the basic process for a migration?

  1. Cloud account access
  2. Rclone access to new cloud
  3. Copy files from GDrive to new cloud with rclone
    It was good while it lasted :slight_smile:

If anyone has a free slot, please let me know.

Box currently works very well for me. Have already uploaded over 170tb. Use Rclone with chunk if you have large files. The problem with Box seems to be the API limit. No user or support has been able to say exactly how this works.

Anybody here has, and would be willing to invite me to their Box team? I wanted to test Box Business plan but Box wants me to go through additional verification steps via a support ticket...

Did you request the Enterprise Plus plan or the normal Enterprise? Normally, the Enterprise plan has a 14-day trial period.

Trying the 14-day trial of Box Business. I don't know if it has anything to do with VAT (taxes). I'm in the EU and I checked that my "business" is not VAT registered. Maybe an issue there, why they need more info...

I am also EU (Germany) and had no problems.