[RESOLVED] All of a sudden googleapi Error 429

So adding a new user string is the way to go?

I don’t think Google will do an ACD and shutdown rclone, all those 1 user gsuite accounts with multiple TB/PB of data would make a very nice extra revenue stream IF google decides to enforce the TOS (5 users for unlimited) This will weed out all the pgblitz abusers, home users etc. I’m sure most of us know that Google can enforce the TOS any moment they want and what needs to be done to keep your data. You’ll need to shell out 60euro a month if you want to keep your unlimited account, still the cheapest unlimited storage and within Google’s TOS.

Doing it shady using rate limiting on only rclone seems out of place for a company as Google as Rclone is used for non Plex related stuff as well.

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Changed now the user-agent value... it worked like a charm...

Appreciate all the replies folks, but let's keep the thread on the topic rather than going off too far on a tangent.


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for what its worth plex finally stopped. it only targeted a few shows and some seasons of shows. weird af. and im sure they havent been updated since they arent monitored in sonarr. not to derail the thread. hopefully google gets their stuff together. Also be prepared. certain websites are already claiming its targeted at rclone.

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Didn't have any issues here after updating the user agent.

Hi all,

I'm trying to setup the user agent, does it matter which user agent is used or none whatsoever?


probably a fringe thing. probably plex being dumb. it specifically re-added 10 seasons for 10 different shows. 2 full shows. and some random episodes that are old AF. again im not worried about it since its been stated the user agent tag wouldnt do it.

Yep changed all mounts to use --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0" and no more errors. Radarr is also ok again as it can read the underlying stuff on gdrive.
Uploading also works. Like I’m my previous post, don’t think its on purpose but still strange it only affects rclone though.

--user-agent="whateveryouwant" keep the quotes and put any thing in between them

@athelmil Maybe you have some of them cached locally, then they will of course still work like a charm.

--user-agent seems to work for me too, who knows how long, if they really targeting rclone.

I hope this is just some type of technical problem that will get fixed by Google...
My hope for that is, that still the majority of problems is reported by European users.

Time will tell...

i dont think so since everything is removed from my server once uploaded to gdrive. well with the exception of some torrents. and non of my tv shows are torrented. those are all done via usenet so downloaded organized via sonarr and moved. not even copied.

but its possible. like i said i dont want to derail the thread any further in fear of anomsity022 smiting me

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guys my local win10 mount seems to be unaffected files still load after about 10 secs
and i havent updated to the user agent flag .

but on my seedbox, my mount was suffering until i changed to the user agent flag

dont know if this helps .

was your local windows 10 mount in EU? so far the api issue seems limited to those in the EU

yes im in the eu and my seedbox is hosted in the eu
local =UK seedbox=Netherlands

odd. i wasnt having any issues with my server in EU as far as the mount went. i could still load files in plex and they didnt seem to take much longer to load. but if i tried moving anything either over the mount or via rclone copy/move i got terrible speeds.

Interesting - I'm in North America and while I haven't really been doing anything yesterday that would've been impacted (I downloaded 3 60 gb files in the background from my gdrive last night and just had the mount running on my media server), I did see this really small error rate from 429s. Which I haven't seen at all since I've been using rclone:

They are definitely targeting the user-agent string. I've tried several random strings and they all work fine. Even "rclone" by itself works ok.

But "rclone/" gives problems. The default is "rclone/v1.47.0" or whatever version you're using, which is the user-agent "standard" across most web clients.

.. just my 2 pence.

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Mounting works, uploading works

but for some reason the refresh of the vfs cache still gives rateError (on big folders)

I just realized: After changing the user-agent to a default firefox-linux one i just reduced the error-rate from 50% to ~15% (however the performance is perfect). I definetly still have some/a few 4XXs going on.

Same here. I'm accessing Google Drive from Europe (Hetzner, Germany). When using Google Chrome's User-Agent everything works fine (no errors at all). It even feels faster (could be imagination).

--user-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36"