Recommended Dropbox (Formally Google Drive) and Plex Mount Settings

All programs use the mergerfs mount point.

What is tdrive?


Goal avoid 750gb limit of gdrive

I don't think it's a good idea to look for ways to avoid the daily quota as it's already generous and a great deal.

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Thanks - keep us posted please (I know you will) if you make any changes.

@Animosity022 once again i am fighting with merferfs.... now i finally was able to make hardlink work between containers using your setup.

but even when a download finish it makes atomic moves it still not work good when uploading to cloud.

so imagine i download one episode of 5 gb i see it instantly appearing on arranged dir that sonarr put files in and it keeps the file seeding. however when i execute upload cloud it makes double upload of the file in /download and the exact same folder on arranged files dir.

any idea?

Other than it sounds like something is a bit off. I'd open a new post and we can help trouble shoot it if you like. I don't do use dockers as I'm a single machine and that over complicates my setup.

Hi @Animosity022,

could you give me a pointer on how to adjust the mergerfs settings if I don't have that much memory to spare?

auto_cache has been replaced by cache.files=auto-full and uses memory for caching and helps out a bit if you have extra memory to spare.

just go back to auto_cache? i have maximum 4,5 G of ram, which isn't much obviously…

sorry if this has been asked before, i couldn't find a direct answer.

You should be able to just remove it and leave at the default which is just libfuse.

It's under this section for mergerfs:

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Regarding my last replies, i did remake all my setup to be as close as yours as possible so its easier to debug.

Everything it's working perfect, however i don't think the upload_cloud behaviour normal. When we upload to cloud is it normal that it uploads content 2x when it's hardlinked?


Inside my local

tv and movies are my already organized media by sonarr/radarr and completed/incomplete inside downloads is the data downloaded or downloading by transmission.

what happens is that when transmission ends the download of something sonarr/radarr hardlink it to correct dir and leaves the file inside downloads so it keeps permanent seeding, and thats correct behaviour. but when upload script starts it copies files inside downloads and also the organized making me upload 2x the same data.

small apart: i have to install mergerfs from because compiled binarie from git don't work very well (@trapexit) cpu goes to 100% and keep host machine unusefull maybe because some deprecated option.


Hard link just makes another "pointer" to a file in a different location.

Find a file that is in both locations and you'll see something like this if you stat the file:

felix@gemini:/local/Movies/Something (2019)$ stat Somethin\ (2019\).mkv
  File: Somethin (2019).mkv
  Size: 7464550866	Blocks: 14579208   IO Block: 4096   regular file
Device: 841h/2113d	Inode: 12884902037  Links: 2
Access: (0664/-rw-rw-r--)  Uid: ( 1001/     vpn)   Gid: ( 1000/   felix)
Access: 2020-03-05 05:03:52.903124729 -0500
Modify: 2020-03-05 05:02:40.154423100 -0500
Change: 2020-03-05 05:03:43.011030578 -0500

And you can see it has 2 links. My uploads go from /local but exclude my torrent area with a file

felix@gemini:/opt/rclone/scripts$ cat excludes

You'd see after the upload run, it removes 1 link count from that file if you check the other area it is. So only 1 copy goes up. If you uploaded everything, you'd get 2 copies if you weren't careful.

@Animosity022 can you post the directory structure you use for nzbget/sabnzbd and for torrent client please?

What version? There is almost no difference between 2.28.3 and 2.29.0 and little between 2.29.0 and master. What are you doing when that happens?

Also... you should never use master.


thats the one i compiled!

i am using mergerfs just like @Animosity022 use on this topic

It's the same as on my github.

I have /gmedia as my mergefs point and underneath that is /local (local disk) and /GD (rClone mount) with a first write policy always on local. I upload /local every night excluding my NZB and torrent directories on local so anything seeding stays based on other qbit rules I have setup. All applications point to /gmedia and with the minor exception of my upload script which has to point to the local spot :slight_smile:

"I upload /local every night excluding my NZB and torrent directories on local so anything seeding stays based on other qbit rules I have setup"

where are those directories? something like local/downloads/completed?

my sabnzbd (usenet) and transmission (torrents) both point to /gmedia/downloads/... so if i understand right i should exclude that path?

I included my excludes a few posts up.

/gmedia/torrents is not uploaded and that points underneath to /local/torrents.

Same with /gmedia/NZB as that is /local/NZB underneath.

Everything references /gmedia with the 1 exception of my upload script. In reality, I could just use /gmedia for everything but I wanted to be 100% sure that I didn't screw up something on my mergerfs mount so I use the /local for uploads to be certain.

so in my case

srvmultimedia@srvmultimedia:/local$ ls -la
total 24
drwxr-xr-x 6 srvmultimedia srvmultimedia 4096 Mar 5 05:45 .
drwxr-xr-x 26 root root 4096 Feb 29 18:13 ..
drwxr-xr-x 7 srvmultimedia srvmultimedia 4096 Mar 1 08:38 downloads
drwxrwxr-x 6 srvmultimedia srvmultimedia 4096 Mar 4 22:10 movies
drwxr-xr-x 2 srvmultimedia srvmultimedia 4096 Feb 29 18:34 music
drwxr-xr-x 34 srvmultimedia srvmultimedia 4096 Mar 5 07:40 tv

i just need to put in excludes



Sounds right. You can always test things first with --dry-run to validate it is doing what you want.

can you be more specific please with --dry-run

Run whatever upload command you want to run and add "--dry-run" at the end so you can test it does what you want it do.