From a total clean slate, how do I setup my AWS account and Rclone to upload (using the S3 API) to AWS Deep Glacier?
I have a brand new AWS account. No buckets, and only 1 configured user. This user is assigned (via IAM) a single policy: the "[AmazonGlacierFullAccess]" access policy. Beyond that, I have created nothing in the AWS web console.
I have gone through the documented way of creating a new rclone configuration. That has resulted in the following rclone configuration file:
type = s3
provider = AWS
env_auth = false
access_key_id = <copied text from the appropriate AWS user page></>
secret_access_key = <copied text from the appropriate AWS user page></>
region = us-west-1
location_constraint = us-west-1
acl = private
storage_class = DEEP_ARCHIVE
After completing the AWS S3 instructions in the documentation, which describe making a new configuration, I did the following:
rclone mkdir remotecoldiceS3glaceee:testBucket1
No output was given.
I then did a:
rclone ls remotecoldiceS3glaceee:testBucket1
which gave this output:
2020/04/14 03:09:14 ERROR : S3 bucket testBucket1: Failed to update region for bucket: reading bucket location failed: AllAccessDisabled: All access to this object has been disabled
status code: 403, request id: EAEFC906302B6A34, host id:
2020/04/14 03:09:14 Failed to ls: BucketRegionError: incorrect region, the bucket is not in 'us-west-1' region at endpoint ''
status code: 301, request id: , host id:
I also did a:
rclone lsd remotecoldiceS3glaceee:
which gave this output:
2020/04/14 03:37:00 ERROR : : error listing: AccessDenied: Access Denied
status code: 403, request id: 8BB4F35BEE41E15B, host id:
2020/04/14 03:37:00 Failed to lsd with 2 errors: last error was: AccessDenied: Access Denied
status code: 403, request id: 8BB4F35BEE41E15B, host id:
I also tried a:
rclone sync /data remotecoldiceS3glaceee:testBucket1
But that failed too.
Will you please assist me in setting up new AWS deep glacier storage which can be reached via s3 api and successfully interacted with through rclone? I'm not sure what I am missing or where I have made a incorrect configuration. Thanks.