Rclone takes a long time to launch

Your log is all networking related issues.

7%29&supportsAllDrives=true": dial tcp: lookup www.googleapis.com on read udp> i/o timeout)

Those all mean you are trying to get out to DNS resolution and it's not working.

I had to replace the dns of my modem with Google dns, but I also have a vpn which uses its own dns. I am bothered to know which one is causing the problems, because only 2 applications used from vpn and rclone are not part of it...It is obvious to me that it is the vpn that is causing all these problems. I'll just get rid of it!

hi! The removal of the vpn as well as some rclone commands corrected the problem. The only thing that escapes me is why the cache clears before the number of hours entered? Am I missing something?

rclone mount --allow-non-empty --allow-other --vfs-cache-mode full --vfs-cache-max-size 200G --dir-cache-time 168h --vfs-cache-max-age 168h --poll-interval 15s --vfs-read-ahead 256M --vfs-read-chunk-size=64M --buffer-size=128M Gcrypt: /mnt/cryption --user-agent="ams"

Without a log file, it's really hard to answer your question.

I don't know why it does this, but I did a test by disabling the service at startup.

I am not sure what that is related to and if you need some help, please post a new message and use the Help and Support template.

Hi, I have a question regarding rclone. I have 2 servers one of which transfers the data to google drive and the other serves as a plex and emby server. I noticed that it takes a while before the files update in the plex and emby server google drive folder. What is the function which allows to update more quickly the 2 servers together?

rclone mount Gcrypt: /mnt/cryption
--vfs-cache-mode full
--vfs-cache-max-size 3000G
--dir-cache-time 1000h
--vfs-cache-max-age 168h
--poll-interval 15s

What do you think about --rc vfs/refresh --fast-list recursive=true

Would take 15 seconds based on your current command you posted as Google Drive is polling remote and you have said to poll for file changes every 15 seconds.

ok it takes longer than that it's rather 15 minutes. is there anything else I can do?


Based on what you've shared it is 15 seconds.

If you want to provide a debug log of your mount and recreate the issue, happy to look at it.

Alright, thanks I'll see later, because I can't restart the mount service whenever I want on the main server...

I come back to my connection problem because I still had this problem but less frequent even by removing the vnp
the best solution is to install fail2ban. I noticed in the log that I had a lot of blocked traffic which caused freezing. It's day and night

sudo apt install fail2ban
ufw allow ssh
ufw enable

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