Rclone sftp access android 11 directories

oh, i forgot about my wiki

in this example,
--- the android phone, running rclone inside termux, access over the internet using tailscale
--- the outside machine, running windows, using tailscale to access the android phone.

can do the double rclone
--- on android, this rclone command, that will create an on-the-fly sftp server.
this sftp server can be access using filezilla or any sftp client.
rclone serve sftp /storage/emulated/0/ --user=user --pass=pass --addr=

on windows laptop, run rclone two ways

rclone.exe copy :sftp,host=,user=user,pass=vt_IP43PNxR82s7QdG8qtyxqi4Q,port=2022:Download ./Download -v --include=file.ext
INFO  : file.ext: Copied (new)
Transferred:              0 B / 0 B, -, 0 B/s, ETA -
Transferred:            1 / 1, 100%
Elapsed time:         4.9s

this example, on laptop, mount the android file system as a drive letter.
access using windows explorer, notepad or most any backup tool
rclone.exe mount :sftp,host=,user=user,pass=vt_IP43PNxR82s7QdG8qtyxqi4Q,port=2022: x:


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