What is the problem you are having with rclone?
This is a continuation of the post I made earlier called Beginner Question, that question was resolved and I am now on to step 2 - using my rclone mount with bisync and setting up a systemd timer to do it. However, this issue happened at the very beginning of the process, trying to run the
rclone bisync
command, after changing one file in the remote with another device that has access to it. I have not yet tried to make the service and timer.
Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.
$ rclone version
rclone v1.67.0
- os/version: ubuntu 24.04 (64 bit)
- os/kernel: 6.8.0-40-generic (x86_64)
- os/type: linux
- os/arch: amd64
- go/version: go1.22.4
- go/linking: static
- go/tags: none
Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)
Google Drive
The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp
/usr/bin/rclone bisync wopa: ~/wopa \
--compare size,modtime,checksum
--conflict-resolve newer
--conflict-loser delete
--conflict-suffix sync-conflict-{DateOnly}-
This is a modification of the command given in tutorials/Rclone bisync Google Drive.md at main · notnout/tutorials · GitHub. I didn't need filters, as I am cloning only a single directory on Google Drive.
Please run 'rclone config redacted' and share the full output. If you get command not found, please make sure to update rclone.
$ rclone config redacted
type = drive
scope = drive
token = XXX
team_drive =
root_folder_id = XXX
client_id = XXX
client_secret = XXX
### Double check the config for sensitive info before posting publicly
A log from the command that you were trying to run with the -vv
2024/08/09 12:17:54 NOTICE: bisync is IN BETA. Don't use in production!
2024/08/09 12:17:54 INFO : Not checking for common hash as at least one slow hash detected.
2024/08/09 12:17:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /home/scohen/wopa: --checksum is in use but Path1 and Path2 have no hashes in common; falling back to --compare modtime,size for sync. (Use --compare size or --size-only to ignore modtime)
2024/08/09 12:17:54 INFO : Path1 hashes: [md5, sha1, sha256]
2024/08/09 12:17:54 INFO : Path2 hashes: [md5, sha1, whirlpool, crc32, sha256, dropbox, hidrive, mailru, quickxor]
2024/08/09 12:17:54 NOTICE: Google drive root '': will use md5 for same-side diffs on Path1 only
2024/08/09 12:17:54 INFO : Slow hash detected on Path2. Will ignore checksum due to slow-hash settings
2024/08/09 12:17:54 NOTICE: WARNING: Ignoring checksums globally as hashes are ignored or unavailable on both sides.
2024/08/09 12:17:54 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings:
"Modtime": true,
"Size": true,
"Checksum": false,
"HashType1": 0,
"HashType2": 0,
"NoSlowHash": true,
"SlowHashSyncOnly": false,
"SlowHashDetected": true,
"DownloadHash": false
2024/08/09 12:17:54 INFO : Synching Path1 "wopa{YRXYK}:/" with Path2 "/home/scohen/wopa/"
2024/08/09 12:17:54 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings
2024/08/09 12:17:55 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs
2024/08/09 12:17:55 INFO : - Path1 File changed: size (smaller), time (newer) - 871204.kdbx
2024/08/09 12:17:55 INFO : Path1: 1 changes: 0 new, 1 modified, 0 deleted
2024/08/09 12:17:55 INFO : (Modified: 1 newer, 0 older, 0 larger, 1 smaller)
2024/08/09 12:17:55 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs
2024/08/09 12:17:55 INFO : - Path2 File changed: size (smaller), time (newer) - 871204.kdbx
2024/08/09 12:17:55 INFO : Path2: 1 changes: 0 new, 1 modified, 0 deleted
2024/08/09 12:17:55 INFO : (Modified: 1 newer, 0 older, 0 larger, 1 smaller)
2024/08/09 12:17:55 ERROR : Safety abort: all files were changed on Path1 "wopa{YRXYK}:/". Run with --force if desired.
2024/08/09 12:17:55 ERROR : Safety abort: all files were changed on Path2 "/home/scohen/wopa/". Run with --force if desired.
2024/08/09 12:17:55 NOTICE: Bisync aborted. Please try again.
Transferred: 0 B / 0 B, -, 0 B/s, ETA -
Errors: 1 (retrying may help)
Checks: 2 / 2, 100%
Elapsed time: 0.4s
2024/08/09 12:17:55 INFO :
Transferred: 0 B / 0 B, -, 0 B/s, ETA -
Errors: 1 (retrying may help)
Checks: 2 / 2, 100%
Elapsed time: 0.4s
2024/08/09 12:17:55 Failed to bisync: all files were changed
I had changed one file from another computer with access to the Google Drive folder the remote was set up with and the above was the result.