Question / suggestion for the documentation

I get the impression that one can use rclone sync and rclone copy not only to put stuff into the cloud but also to restore it from the cloud (to the local system). Is that true? If is it, I think that the documentation could make that state of affairs clearer.

(I have not run into this question before. Here is why. Normally to restore files I use either rclone mount or the excellent rclone-browser - but now I need to automate the fetching and hence I need a more manual, granular method.)

Both copy and sync operations just require a source and destination.

The source or destination can be local or remotes as it doesn't matter either way.

I wouldn't call it restoring as it's copying from a source to destination.


Thanks for the reply, Animosity. That makes sense. Still, it might be that people tend to conceive rclone as mainly a tool to copy to the cloud (despite or even because of the strapline 'rsync for cloud storage'). Put another way: when people read 'source' in the documentation, they might think of local file system (i.e. of its necessarily being that).

'Source to destination' :slightly_smiling_face: yes. Anything to anything. Rclone doesn't care where the live master copy of your data is. It doesn't have to be local. I didn't get the idea it would be backup from local to cloud when I first found the documentation - maybe it depends what you are looking for. That said, there is an awful lot of important cloud data out there ( in my humble observation) that is not effectively backed up so maybe it needs to be rsync to, from and around the cloud - but many of the unbacked up, unwashed cloud dependers don't know what rsync is. It might be a fair point?

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