Por favor, adicione LetsUpload (letsupload.io) à configuração depois de inserir o novo controle remoto com o nome no cmd

Foi falado a um tempo atrás sobre o webdav mas o mesmo não funciona mais somente o site adiciona aí porfavor

I think it works

You'll need to find the correct URL to use with the webdav backend and that should be all the configuration you need.

No painel administrativo do usuário tem mas não funciona mais, nem usando as ferramentas indicadas no painel que são compatíveis com o uso do webdav não funciona mais na versão gratuita somente na versão paga

Oh dear :frowning:

Did they disable webdav for the free version?

I don't think I can fix that.

Do they have a different API? I can't find any docs for one.

Então sobre a api eu já não sei te responder, sei que dá pra gerar api dentro do setup da conta mas você gera key1 e key2

Não sei se tem algo a ver mas parece que o servidor de serviço webdav deles se encontra na Ucrânia ( país em guerra no momento) com algumas restrições

So about the api I don't know how to answer you anymore, I know you can generate api within the account setup but you generate key1 and key2

I'm not familiar with the provider I'm afraid :frowning:

I don't know if it has something to do with it but it seems that their webdav service server is located in Ukraine (a country at war at the moment) with some restrictions

That might make sense as to why the service isn't performing. Did you try to email their customer support?

Sim e o retorno foi esse serviço só se encontra ativo para os pacotes premium

i am able to use webdav to letsupload.io using a free acount

type = webdav
url = https://letsupload.io/webdav
vendor = other
user = 
pass = 
rclone copy file.txt letsupload:rclonetest -vv 
DEBUG : Setting --config "C:\\data\\rclone\\rclone.conf" from environment variable RCLONE_CONFIG="C:\\data\\rclone\\rclone.conf"
DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.57.0" starting with parameters ["C:\\data\\rclone\\rclone.exe" "copy" "file.txt" "letsupload:rclonetest" "-vv"]
DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "file.txt"
DEBUG : Using config file from "C:\\data\\rclone\\rclone.conf"
DEBUG : fs cache: adding new entry for parent of "file.txt", "//?/C:/data/rclone/rr/other/newtest"
DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "letsupload:rclonetest"
DEBUG : found headers: 
DEBUG : file.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination
INFO  : file.txt: Copied (new)
INFO  : 
Transferred:   	  224.647 KiB / 224.647 KiB, 100%, 13.005 KiB/s, ETA 0s
Transferred:            1 / 1, 100%
Elapsed time:        20.0s

rclone lsl letsupload:rclonetest 
   230039 2022-03-30 11:32:10.000000000 file.txt
1 Like

Deu certo agora aonde você conseguiu o link pois nem no painel tem o link


this does NOT work

this does work

1 Like

https://letsupload.io/webdav esse funciona aqui já esse https://fs5... que é apresentado no painel não funciona

sorry, not understanding?
what do you need help with now?

Funcionando amigo, só estou com problema pra enviar arquivos maiores de 10 megabyte com rclone

amigo, 10MiB, no problem.

rclone copy file.txt letsupload:rclonetest -vv
DEBUG : found headers:
DEBUG : file.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination
INFO  : file.txt: Copied (new)
Transferred:       13.981 MiB / 13.981 MiB, 100%, 1.734 MiB/s, ETA 0s
Transferred:            1 / 1, 100%
Elapsed time:         8.8s

please post a full DEBUG log so we can see the problem.

2022/03/31 20:51:42 ERROR : Atividade Paranormal - Ente Próximo 2021.mp4: Failed to copy: close /emby/Filmes/Atividade Paranormal - Ente Próximo 2021.mp4: no such file or directory
2022/03/31 20:52:31 INFO :
Transferred: 10.590 GiB / 55.855 GiB, 19%, 2.136 MiB/s, ETA 6h1m36s
Errors: 2 (retrying may help)
Checks: 1 / 1, 100%
Transferred: 0 / 24, 0%
Elapsed time: 1h25m1.0s

  •                   A Profissional 2021.mp4:100% /2.359Gi, 0/s, 0s                                *                      ANNE+ - O Filme 2022.mp4:100% /2.502Gi, 0/s, 0s
  •                Catwoman - Hunted 2022.mp4:100% /1.715Gi, 0/s, 0s
  •                      Causalidade 2021.mp4:  3% /3.034Gi, 2.215Mi/s, 22m33s
  1. copy one file, add -vv to the command
  2. post the output

2022/03/31 22:06:50 INFO :
Transferred: 1.715 GiB / 1.715 GiB, 100%, 833 B/s, ETA 0s
Transferred: 0 / 1, 0%
Elapsed time: 6m0.5s

  •                Catwoman - Hunted 2022.mp4:100% /1.715Gi, 833/s, 0s

2022/03/31 22:07:50 INFO :
Transferred: 1.715 GiB / 1.715 GiB, 100%, 17 B/s, ETA 0s Transferred: 0 / 1, 0%
Elapsed time: 7m0.5s

  •                Catwoman - Hunted 2022.mp4:100% /1.715Gi, 17/s, 0s

2022/03/31 22:25:39 INFO :
Transferred: 1.687 GiB / 1.715 GiB, 98%, 6.913 MiB/s, ETA 4s
Transferred: 0 / 1, 0%
Elapsed time: 4m3.0s

  •                Catwoman - Hunted 2022.mp4: 98% /1.715Gi, 6.913Mi/s, 4s

2022/03/31 22:25:51 ERROR : Catwoman - Hunted 2022.mp4: Failed to copy: object not found
2022/03/31 22:25:51 ERROR : Attempt 1/3 failed with 1 errors and: object not found
2022/03/31 22:25:52 DEBUG : webdav root 'Filmes': Waiting for checks to finish
2022/03/31 22:25:52 DEBUG : webdav root 'Filmes': Waiting for transfers to finish

Já no Google drive esse comando funciona perfeito só nesse LetsUpload que dá esse erro e fica em loop infinito nunca finaliza o upload