Plans to resolve Google Drive 403?

One thing I’ve noticed during this was that I don’t have a single drive.files.get method call.
I wonder where they come from, since they are the ones creating the 403s.

I’ve done the following in plex and not gotten a single request:
Scanning a new library
Scanning a excisting library
Playing a movie
Downloading a movie
Reanalysing a movie

@ncw could you give us some insight to where the drive.files.get method is used?

files.get is used to get metadata about the file.

I don’t think rclone uses it at all actually.

Thanks, sound about right, all my tests only shown plexdrive to use it.

are you still using plexdrive or rclone on its own?

I’ve been back and forth between the two this week. Just waiting for my last issue in rclone to be resolved before I can move over fulltime.

more testing deleted rclone config and my client id
installed latest beta version and made a new client id
using basic command line rclone mount --read-only --allow-other --tpslimit 1 Encrypted:/Plex /mnt/Plex &

so far so good no ban

the command line is what i used the other night and got banned at a start of a scan

aj and CC, I think you guys might be on to something with completely deleting the config. rclone must do some strange things with its own internal caching of its configuration. I shutdown all of my mounts, ensured that no rclone processes were running, and then edited the client_id, secret, and refreshed the token. I saved the config and started using rclone. It worked fine for some period of time; maybe 45 min or so. Then, to my utter shock, I started getting an error that said “oauth credential has been deleted” with a 401 authentication error. I checked the rclone config and it had reverted to my old client_id! So, rclone must be overwriting the config file periodically and had my old connection info cached somewhere else. I am certain that I didn’t have any rclone processes running when I changed and saved the config.

I’m taking a little break from testing this beta since I’m still burned out from being banned for 5 days straight! I’m really interested in your results though, CyberCrime. So, I’m encouraging you to continue. I’ll jump back in sometime soon. I might create a separate Google Drive for testing only since my family is completely sick of me causing their movies to be locked out!

Banned again

Method Avg requests/sec Count Percent
drive.files.list 0.074 1,606 99.57%
drive.about.get 0 7 0.43%
Total 1,613 100%

If you use your own credecials, could you post some screenshoot of the graph before, during and after the ban. By API method both for trafic and error.

Looks like the same issue as dj, you are not using your API credentials.

rclone should be using them. client_id, client_secret and token are all in the config file

No ban, plays fine but very slow in updating library and was at times using 50+% cpu

Using --tpslimit 1, banned, seems a lot faster in updating library and was using under 2% cpu

What’s your setting ?

I used the tpslimit 0.5 and rclone API itself and I got ban and yes, the update is very slow with this, but as long as you don’t get ban, it’s fine to me like that too, cause your playback would be better.

–tpslimit 1
Its strange as it looks like rclone as less requests than plexdrive. maybe rclone is opening too many links for googles liking and that’s triggering the ban and not the requests limit?

It would be simpler to troubleshoot if you used your own API for ALL traffic so we can see whats going on.

I don’t belive its the drive.files.list, I doing up to 3/sec on average without a ban:

But it depend what kind of pressure you put on it too, like full clean library scan or just scan for some update.

Cause full library scan cause the ban for me but the update scan didn’t.

I’ve even added another library to plex so its get something new to scan, and still no bans.
Have a look at post #81, that is an attempt doing absolutlly worst case possible and nothing.
Only ban I got was when I was doing a rclone sync at the same time and forgot to add the tpslimit to that as well.

Hmmm, so it’s kind of miss and hit situation !!!

What’s your setting you have for the mount (if you don’t mind share the whole thing) ?

Currently I using the follow (at the same time):

Server mounts:
rclone mount --tpslimit 2 --bwlimit 25M --log-level DEBUG SonarrG3: /media/Sonarr/
rclone mount --tpslimit 2 --bwlimit 25M --log-level DEBUG RadarrG3: /media/Radarr/
rclone mount --tpslimit 5 --allow-other --log-level DEBUG PlexG3: /media/Plex/

Uploading from my home NAS:
rclone mount --tpslimit 2 --bwlimit 1M --log-level DEBUG NAS: /media/Sonarr/

Constant syncing my cloud drives:

while true
rclone sync --exclude “~" --log-level INFO --stats 10s --bwlimit 50M --tpslimit 2 GoogleG3:/ GoogleAJ:/PMS/
sleep 60
rclone sync --exclude "
~” --log-level INFO --stats 10s --bwlimit 50M --tpslimit 2 --max-size 40G GoogleG3:/$
sleep 60