Well, i did ; virtunys At Free.fr
Can you invite surettcharles at gmail dot com
Can I get an invite please?
dadams9 at gmail dot com
Would love an invite! admin@nscbox.club
dadams9 at gmail dot com & admin@nscbox.club
Can I get an invite jskala at gmail dot com
Invite please! raf @ my username .com
Please can I also get an invite
zerodayz [at] zerodayz [dot] com
Invitation sent to @zdz and @tipsymonkey
Invite never received… Was it via email?
Can you try again?
zerodayz at zerodayz dot com
Just tried to send you an invite, but it said you have already been invited. Yes, the invites are sent via email.
Theres a discord server ( https://discord.gg/NuvwQq3 ) for discussing future of unlimited cloud storage(s) with an rclone channel if it’s in anyone’s interest.
I’d like an invite! victorhooi (at) yahoo (dot) com
I made an auto invite bot here: https://slack-invite.rclone.org/ for anyone who wants a slack invite!