I made a mistake in the rclone config, how do I go back and change it?

try to setup a crypt.
if you have questions, let us know.

then we can work on getting plex to see the crypt.

Hi, I have set up the remote crypt using the guide you linked to and I can see it under my list of current remotes.

Name Type
==== ====
Cloud onedrive
gdrive drive
secret crypt

e) Edit existing remote
n) New remote
d) Delete remote
r) Rename remote
c) Copy remote
s) Set configuration password
q) Quit config

Could you help me linking it to plex and also is it possible to map it to my computer so I can see it like a normal external drive?

did you check the new remote?
do a rclone ls secret: and post the command and output

if that works, copy a media file into it, so there will be something for plex to see

then install http://www.secfs.net/winfsp/rel/

I'm getting this when I do "rclone ls secret:"

C:\rclone>rclone ls secret:
2020/06/02 16:31:37 Failed to ls: directory not found

you might need to create the bucket that the crypt is pointed to

can you post

rclone config show secret
secret not secret: no colon in the remote name

rclone config show gdrive

C:\rclone>rclone config show secret

type = crypt
remote = gdrive:/files
filename_encryption = obfuscate
directory_name_encryption = true
password = xxxxxxx
password2 = xxxxxxxx

C:\rclone>rclone config show gdrive

type = drive
client_id = apps.googleusercontent.com
client_secret =
scope = drive
token =
root_folder_id =

sorry, you need to edit that post, redacted the ids and passwords.

there is a mismatch in the name of the bucket.
config file has lowercase files' bucket name in gdrive is uppercase Files`

C:\rclone>rclone lsd gdrive:
-1 2020-06-02 16:06:07 -1 Files

there is a mismatch in the name of the bucket.
config file has lowercase files
bucket name in gdrive is uppercase Files

also in the config file, the remote is
but there should not be a /

Ok so how can I fix it, do I need to redo it?

edit the remote using rclone config

Ok so I ended up deleting that remote crypt and I am doing it again, I think I am doing something wrong when I enter the path of the remote crypt. I am putting in gdrive:files but do I need to put something else in here?

the folder in google drive is Files, not files
so i would use gdrive:Files

as long as the two match, it should work.

so you know what's next, test the new remote
rclone ls secret:

C:\rclone>rclone ls secret
2020/06/02 18:01:20 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found
2020/06/02 18:01:20 Failed to ls with 2 errors: last error was: directory not found

C:\rclone>rclone ls secret:


When I am typing rclone ls secret: it just shows nothing but I don't have anything in that file yet.

good, now you have a working crypt!

copy a media file into the secret:, something that plex could stream.

rclone copyto c:\path\to\media\media.mp4 secret: -vv
-vv will output more information.

I don't think it worked:

C:\rclone>rclone copyto C:\Users\xxxxxxxxxx\Desktop\media\film.avi secret: -vv
2020/06/02 18:17:49 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.52.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "copyto" "C:\Users\xxxxxxxxx\Desktop\media\film.avi" "secret:" "-vv"]
rclone copyto source:path dest:path [flags]

-h, --help help for copyto

Use "rclone [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Use "rclone help flags" for to see the global flags.
Use "rclone help backends" for a list of supported services.
Command copyto needs 2 arguments maximum: you provided 3 non flag arguments: ["C:\Users\xxxxxxxxxx\Desktop\media\film.avi" "secret:"]

There is nothing in the folder Files on my gdrive

sorry try
rclone copyto C:\Users\xxxxxxxxxx\Desktop\media\film.avi secret:/media/film.avi -vv

Still getting the same error, is my path too long?

C:\rclone>rclone copyto C:\Users\xxxxxxxxxxxx\Desktop\media\film.avi secret:/mediafilm.avi -vv
2020/06/02 18:32:51 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.52.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "copyto" "C:\Users\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\Desktop\media\film.avi" "secret:/mediafilm.avi" "-vv"]
rclone copyto source:path dest:path [flags]

-h, --help help for copyto

Use "rclone [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Use "rclone help flags" for to see the global flags.
Use "rclone help backends" for a list of supported services.
Command copyto needs 2 arguments maximum: you provided 3 non flag arguments: ["C:\Users\xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\Desktop\media\film.avi" "secret:/mediafilm.a