How do I make it so that when moving from googledrive to dropbox I do not lose the correct date's and times for folders? (Files are already fine)

How do I make it so that when moving from googledrive to dropbox I do not lose the correct date's and times for folders? (Files are already fine.)

windows 10
rclone v1.63

I ran

.\rclone copy --bwlimit 88M -vv --dropbox-batch-size 16 --transfers 16 --dropbox-batch-mode sync "googledrive:cleancrypt\199.FOLDERNAME" "dropbox:cleancrypt\199.FOLDERNAME"

Now I expected the date for 199.FOLDERNAME to be the time of this command, oh well, fine, but all the subfolders? They also have the date of this command rather than the date from 4 years ago that was on google drive.

Anyway to preserve those folder dates?

This is the same mission/date/commands as over in this thread Google drive and dropbox is it possible to hash check between them? but this issue is I imagine totally unrelated hence a new thread.

Drobbox API does not support it. If needed you have to use different cloud storage.

I thought this section dealt with the issue?

Meaning that it was possible to get what I want if I use a recent version of rclone? But it wasn't possible in the past?

EDIT: I edited my post as you were submitting your reply, so I'll delete this edit and move it to the bottom.

it means if you want to preserve folders creation time you should not use dropbox. try AWS S3 for exapmle

Just to be crystal clear does this mean that in the distant past dropbox didn't have date modified for files OR folders?
And in the current 2023 time it supports dates for files but NOT folders?
I really only NEED the dates for files, but having the dates for folders too would've been nice, but if the folder date's aren't possible I'll accept that.

If you mount your dropbox space with rclone mount all folders will have the date and time from the execution of the mount command.
Newly created folders will have new dates after the execution of the command.
After a restart for example all folders will have the date and time from the mount command again.

Files are not affected by this.

(Didn’t wanted to answer direct to you, just on the thread, wrong button used. Sorry)

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Okay so I made a new dropbox account for reasons.


ALL newly created folders by rclone have the date: 1999-12-31

This is very strange behavior can anyone explain it?

Some backup/sync tools can move your files with preserving timestamps from one cloud to another, for example :ShareGate, Gs Richcopy 360, Syncback Pro, and GoodSync.
Note: some cloud storages store the received files in real-time copy date and no way to copy files to it with their original date and this info can be provided by the cloud provider.