Google Work Space + Plex +RClone Mount settings

Someone suggested that I use the following flags for my rclone mount

rclone mount gdrivemediacrypt: /Users/georgiapeach/Desktop/gdrivemediacrypt/ \
--poll-interval 10s \
--allow-other \
--cache-dir /Users/georgiapeach/Movies \
-vv \
--buffer-size 512M \ 
--dir-cache-time 96h \ 
--vfs-cache-max-age 24h \ 
--vfs-cache-max-size 50G \ 
--vfs-cache-mode full \ 
--vfs-read-ahead 1G \ 
--vfs-read-chunk-size 128M \ 
--vfs-read-chunk-size-limit off \ 

But when I attempt to mount, I receive the following error message.

Command mount needs 2 arguments maximum: you provided 3 non flag arguments: ["gdrivemediacrypt:" "/Users/georgiapeach/Desktop/gdrivemediacrypt/" " "]
/Users/georgiapeach/rclonemount.command: line 7: --dir-cache-time: command not found
/Users/georgiapeach/rclonemount.command: line 8: --vfs-cache-max-age: command not found
/Users/georgiapeach/rclonemount.command: line 9: --vfs-cache-max-size: command not found
/Users/georgiapeach/rclonemount.command: line 10: --vfs-cache-mode: command not found
/Users/georgiapeach/rclonemount.command: line 11: --vfs-read-ahead: command not found
/Users/georgiapeach/rclonemount.command: line 12: --vfs-read-chunk-size: command not found
/Users/georgiapeach/rclonemount.command: line 13: --vfs-read-chunk-size-limit: command not found
/Users/georgiapeach/rclonemount.command: line 14: --fast-list: command not found
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

[Process completed]

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

not an expert at linux, but there should not be a space character after the trailing backslash

--buffer-size 512M \ 

should be

--buffer-size 512M \

and --fast-list does nothing on a rclone mount

Thank you, everything seems to be working now. But, would some one be able to double check my mount commands and see if I should add anything else.

rclone mount --dir-cache-time 72h --drive-chunk-size 64M --log-level INFO --vfs-read-chunk-size 32M --vfs-read-chunk-size-limit off gdrivemediacrypt: /Users/georgiapeach/Desktop/gdrivemediacrypt/ \
--vfs-cache-mode writes \
--poll-interval 10s \
--allow-other \

Why are you using cache? I have a 2012 Mini as well and it runs better without

looks ok but as per the docs
--network-mode is windows only.

Okay, are you suggesting I get rid of --vfs-cashe-mode writes and --dir-cache-time 72h?

Or just one of them?

there are two vfs caches - vfs dir cache and vfs file cache

--dir-cache-time applies to vfs dir cache
--vfs-cache-mode applies to vfs file cache

take a read of my post

fwiw, most of the time, i do not use the vfs file cache, in effect --vfs-cache-mode=off

A week ago you recommended these settings

rclone mount gdrivemediacrypt: /Users/georgiapeach/Desktop/gdrivemediacrypt/ \
--poll-interval 10s
--cache-dir ~/Movies/cache
 -vv --log-file ~/Documents/_FILES_HANDLING/rclone.log 

Do you suggest I try them again now that it looks like I've resolved my download quota issues?

correct, i just wrote
i do not use the vfs file cache

and the last command you posted is consistent with that statement

is there a confusion about that?

When do you find it necessary to use the vfs file cache?

i do not find it necessary. many rcloners do not find it necessary.

imho, always start with the simplest command to establish a baseline.
if you experience issues then tweak the command.

so at this point, use that command.

tho --cache-dir ~/Movies/cache does nothing, can remove it.

or in the begining of this long topic,
i posted a few links of a well tested rclone mount command for gdrive+plex and plex tweaks,
if you want, then use that.

To go off of @asdffdsa point you should start simply and then build your commands from that. If you feel like you need to use additional commands based on certain use cases then I would suggest adding them. Otherwise the links that were posted earlier are a great resource to read through

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