Can someone please help

i have rclone installed on Ubuntu always having problem i have attached screenshot

i don’t know is that mean the plex cannot see my mount or what ? but this happened only few hour back

this screen from my server were my gdrive mounted

now whenever i want to play any movie i have error ( Error code: s1001 (Network) )

What’s your mount command you are using and your rclone.conf? Are there any logs to share?

thanks for replaying back

this is my command line

rclone mount mysecret:/movie /home8/alora/tmp/

and this my config

type = drive
client_id =
client_secret =
scope = drive
root_folder_id =
service_account_file =
token = {"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,“expiry”:“2018-04-17T20:09:27.289076431+02:00”}

type = crypt
remote = gdrive:/alora/
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = true
password = rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
password2 =

You are probably missing:

“–allow-other” in the mount as I’m guessing your user mounting isn’t the plex user. You usually have to fix the /etc/fuse.conf to have allow other in it as well:

cat /etc/fuse.conf
# mount_max = 1000

I’d also be careful if you don’t use the cache and use plex, your GD is going to be 24 banned pretty fast. has setup steps in there.

you meant like this

rclone mount --allow-other mysecret:/movie /home8/alora/tmp/

Yes, but I use rclone cache to make sure I don’t get my GD banned. I’ll share my full conf and mount command.

type = drive
client_id = client
client_secret = secret
token = {"access_token":"ytoken”,”token_type":"Bearer","refresh_token”:”refresh”,”expiry":"2018-04-17T14:16:08.607631226-04:00"}

type = cache
remote = GD:media
chunk_total_size = 32G
plex_url =
plex_username = email
plex_password = password
plex_token = token

type = crypt
remote = gcache:
filename_encryption = standard
password = password
password2 = password
directory_name_encryption = true

My mount:

/usr/bin/rclone mount gmedia: /gmedia \
   --allow-other \
   --dir-cache-time=160h \
   --cache-chunk-size=10M \
   --cache-info-age=168h \
   --cache-workers=5 \
   --cache-tmp-upload-path /data/rclone_upload \
   --cache-tmp-wait-time 60m \
   --buffer-size 0M \
   --attr-timeout=1s \
   --syslog \
   --umask 002 \
   --rc \
   --log-level INFO

i have made a cache

type = cache
remote = gdrive:alora
plex_url =
plex_username = my email
plex_password = my passowrd
chunk_size = 10m
info_age = 168h
chunk_total_size = 10g

is that ok


So basically my chain is Google Drive->Cache->Encrypted and I mount the encrypted.

Animosity022 could you please confirm if this google 24-hour ban or what?

all the old media is showing the Audio Video and Subtiles.

but the new media which i have add last night it’s not showing the Audio Video and Subtiles.Plus Plex showing the media is unavailable.

If you run rclone with a -v and add a logfile location “–log-file something.log”, you can see if there are 403s or something in the logs that will show an error. That’s one way to tell if you have a ban.

ok i have done clear rclone and i made it exact like yours.

type = drive
client_id =
client_secret =
scope = drive
root_folder_id =
service_account_file =
token = {“access_token"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”}

type = cache
remote = GD:media
plex_url =
plex_username = my emai
plex_password = 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
chunk_size = 5m
info_age = 6h
chunk_total_size = 10g

type = crypt
remote = gcache:
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = true
password = h9y2_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
password2 =

but now i cannot mount the [gmedia] the encrypted one. please how i can mount it and how you doing this

/usr/bin/rclone mount gmedia: /gmedia
–cache-tmp-upload-path /data/rclone_upload
–cache-tmp-wait-time 60m
–buffer-size 0M
–umask 002
–log-level INFO

where i have to do it.

What’s the error you are seeing when you mount it?

Last login: Thu Apr 19 19:44:41 2018 from 86.9
alora@vmi176708:~$ rclone mount --allow-other gmedia:/ /media
2018/04/19 19:51:28 Failed to load config file “/home/alora/.config/rclone/rc lone.conf”: open /home/alora/.config/rclone/rclone.conf: permission denied

ok so i believe it worked now

i login with root

root@vmi176708:/home/alora# rclone mount -vvv --allow-other --allow-non-empty gmedia: /home/alora

2018/04/19 20:32:07 DEBUG : rclone: Version “v1.40” starting with parameters [“rclone” “mount” “-vvv” “–allow-other” “–allow-non-empty” “gmedia:” “/home/alora”]
2018/04/19 20:32:07 DEBUG : Using config file from “/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf”
2018/04/19 20:32:08 DEBUG : gcache: wrapped GD:media at root
2018/04/19 20:32:08 INFO : gcache: Cache DB path: /root/.cache/rclone/cache-backend/gcache.db
2018/04/19 20:32:08 INFO : gcache: Cache chunk path: /root/.cache/rclone/cache-backend/gcache
2018/04/19 20:32:08 INFO : gcache: Chunk Memory: true
2018/04/19 20:32:08 INFO : gcache: Chunk Size: 5M
2018/04/19 20:32:08 INFO : gcache: Chunk Total Size: 10G
2018/04/19 20:32:08 INFO : gcache: Chunk Clean Interval: 1m0s
2018/04/19 20:32:08 INFO : gcache: Workers: 4
2018/04/19 20:32:08 INFO : gcache: File Age: 6h0m0s
2018/04/19 20:32:08 DEBUG : Adding path “cache/expire” to remote control registry
2018/04/19 20:32:08 DEBUG : Google drive root ‘media’: Checking for changes on remote
2018/04/19 20:32:08 DEBUG : gcache: wrapped GD:media at root
2018/04/19 20:32:08 INFO : gcache: Cache DB path: /root/.cache/rclone/cache-backend/gcache.db
2018/04/19 20:32:08 INFO : gcache: Cache chunk path: /root/.cache/rclone/cache-backend/gcache
2018/04/19 20:32:08 INFO : gcache: Chunk Memory: true
2018/04/19 20:32:08 INFO : gcache: Chunk Size: 5M
2018/04/19 20:32:08 INFO : gcache: Chunk Total Size: 10G
2018/04/19 20:32:08 INFO : gcache: Chunk Clean Interval: 1m0s
2018/04/19 20:32:08 INFO : gcache: Workers: 4
2018/04/19 20:32:08 INFO : gcache: File Age: 6h0m0s
2018/04/19 20:32:08 DEBUG : Adding path “cache/expire” to remote control registry
2018/04/19 20:32:08 INFO : Encrypted drive ‘gmedia:’: Modify window is 1ms
2018/04/19 20:32:08 DEBUG : Encrypted drive ‘gmedia:’: Mounting on “/home/alora”
2018/04/19 20:32:08 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache:: subscribing to ChangeNotify
2018/04/19 20:32:08 DEBUG : vfs cache root is “/root/.cache/rclone/vfs/gmedia”
2018/04/19 20:32:08 DEBUG : Adding path “vfs/forget” to remote control registry

is that mean ok or ?

Who did you run the rclone config as?

If you run rclone config and do everything as a user, you just need to run as that user.

In my config, my user is felix and my rclone conf is in:

[felix@gemini ~]$ ls -al /home/felix/.rclone.conf
-rw------- 1 felix felix 1065 Apr 19 14:23 /home/felix/.rclone.conf

A running process ps

[felix@gemini ~]$ ps -ef | grep rclone
felix     2815     1  1 Apr16 ?        01:14:50 /usr/bin/rclone mount gmedia: /gmedia --allow-other --dir-cache-time=160h --cache-chunk-size=10M --cache-info-age=168h --cache-workers=5 --cache-tmp-upload-path /data/rclone_upload --cache-tmp-wait-time 60m --buffer-size 0M --attr-timeout=1s --syslog --umask 002 --rc --log-level INFO

so where is the mount will be placed ? i have done /usr/bin/rclone mount gmedia: /gmedia --allow-other --dir-cache-time=160h --cache-chunk-size=10M --cache-info-age=168h --cache-workers=5 --cache-tmp-upload-path /data/rclone_upload --cache-tmp-wait-time 60m --buffer-size 0M --attr-timeout=1s --syslog --umask 002 --rc --log-level INFO

but i cant find the mount folder.

The rclone.conf is where the rclone configuration is stored.

In my command, I’m using gmedia: as the config item from my rclone.conf and the parameter after that is the mount point, which is my case is /gmedia

[felix@gemini ~]$ df -h | grep gmedia
gmedia:         1.0P     0  1.0P   0% /gmedia

this what im getting

alora@vmi176708:~$ ps -ef | grep rclone
root 1921 1896 0 20:22 ? 00:00:00 rclone config
root 2234 1896 0 20:32 ? 00:00:35 rclone mount -vvv --allow-other --allow-non-empty gmedia: /home/alora
alor 3506 3492 0 21:36 pts/1 00:00:00 grep rclone

alora@vmi176708:~$ df -h | grep gmedia
gmedia: 1.0P 0 1.0P 0% /home/alora

but when i add root@vmi176708:/home/alora# rclone mount -vvv --allow-other --allow-non-empty gmedia: /home/alora. the gmedia: mounted to my server.