Bisync already add --drive-acknowledge-abuse still got critical error , cannotDownloadAbusiveFile

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

already add --drive-acknowledge-abuse to bisync but still got critical error , cannotDownloadAbusiveFile

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

rclone v1.60.1

  • os/version: ubuntu 20.04 (64 bit)
  • os/kernel: 5.4.0-137-generic (x86_64)
  • os/type: linux
  • os/arch: amd64
  • go/version: go1.19.3
  • go/linking: static
  • go/tags: none

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google Drive

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone bisync --fast-list --drive-acknowledge-abuse google-cloud-sync: --drive-root-folder-id (shared-folder-id) /mnt/googledrive-sync/ --exclude=*.{docx,xlsx,pptx,svg,form} --drive-skip-dangling-shortcuts --ignore-size --resync --log-file=/home/rclone/googledrive_bisync.log -vv -P

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

type = drive
client_id = xxx
client_secret = xxx
scope = drive
token = {"access_token":"xxx"}

A log from the command with the -vv flag

2023/01/20 22:39:33 ERROR : Local file system at /mnt/googledrive-sync: not deleting files as there were IO errors
2023/01/20 22:39:33 ERROR : Local file system at /mnt/googledrive-sync: not deleting directories as there were IO errors
2023/01/20 22:39:33 DEBUG : Lock file removed: /root/.cache/rclone/bisync/google-cloud-sync{B45R0}_..mnt_googledrive-sync.lck
2023/01/20 22:39:33 ERROR : Bisync critical error: failed to open source object: open file failed: googleapi: Error 403: This file has been identified as malware or spam and cannot be downloaded., cannotDownloadAbusiveFile
2023/01/20 22:39:33 ERROR : Bisync aborted. Must run --resync to recover.

Grep cannotDownloadAbusiveFile

2023/01/20 22:34:48 ERROR : project/Dynomite.exe: Failed to copy: failed to open source object: open file failed: googleapi: Error 403: This file has been identified as malware or spam and cannot be downloaded., cannotDownloadAbusiveFile
2023/01/20 22:36:27 ERROR : 3D/3/Jester .ma: Failed to copy: failed to open source object: open file failed: googleapi: Error 403: This file has been identified as malware or spam and cannot be downloaded., cannotDownloadAbusiveFile

Can you update the latest version and share a debug log instead of just the error with the full command / output?

1 Like

Yup I will update soon , before that I try to excluded some of .ma .exe files type
and it's completed without any error thanks ! after this I can leave off --resync right ?

I will run

rclone bisync google-cloud-sync: --drive-root-folder-id 0ByvTVTydQZ05Z0NaNjlzTUY4Tk0 /mnt/googledrive-sync/ --exclude=*.{docx,xlsx,pptx,svg,form,ma,exe} --verbose --drive-skip-dangling-shortcuts --log-file=/home/rclone/googledrive_bisync1complete.log -vv -P

This is completed log Thanks !

2023/01/22 00:01:08 INFO  : Bisync successful
2023/01/22 00:01:08 INFO  :
Transferred:        1.818 MiB / 1.818 MiB, 100%, 15.628 KiB/s, ETA 0s
Checks:           2294065 / 2294065, 100%
Deleted:                3 (files), 0 (dirs)
Transferred:          120 / 120, 100%
Elapsed time:  19h21m21.9s

I have the same problem.

rclone --config rclone.conf -vv \
  --drive-impersonate <user>@<domain> \
  --drive-team-drive <...> \
  --drive-skip-shortcuts --drive-skip-dangling-shortcuts \
  --drive-acknowledge-abuse \
  --progress \
  sync SRC: "/mnt/backup/GDrive/Archive"


 * work_env/Scripts/pythonw.exe: transferring
2023-01-28 13:30:06 ERROR : work_env/Scripts/pythonw.exe: Failed to copy: failed to open source object: open file failed: googleapi: Error 403: This file has been identified as malware or spam and cannot be downloaded., cannotDownloadAbusiveFile
Transferred:              0 B / 0 B, -, 0 B/s, ETA -
Errors:                 1 (retrying may help)
Checks:             48786 / 48786, 100%
Transferred:            0 / 1, 0%
Elapsed time:      17m4.6s


2023/01/28 09:48:17 Failed to sync with 3 errors: last error was: failed to open source object: open file failed: googleapi: Error 403: This file has been identified as malware or spam and cannot be downloaded., cannotDownloadAbusiveFile
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 89, in <module>
    backup_shared_drive(u, d['id'], d['name'])
  File "", line 79, in backup_shared_drive
    raise ValueError("Command failed with code {}".format(p.returncode))
ValueError: Command failed with code 1

I am running...

rclone v1.61.1
- os/version: ubuntu 20.04 (64 bit)
- os/kernel: 5.4.0-66-generic (x86_64)
- os/type: linux
- os/arch: amd64
- go/version: go1.19.4
- go/linking: static
- go/tags: none

Run this with -vv --dump headers and see if rclone is putting the right thing on the URL (check the drive docs for details).

Either it isn't or Google is ignoring it.

1 Like

Thanks @ncw. Forgive me for being a little green with the debug options (I'm brand new to rclone).

I added -vv --dump headers to the command and re-ran it. The URLs I'm seeing are of this form:

$ grep acknowledgeAbuse out.log 
2023-01-31 12:58:04 DEBUG : GET /drive/v3/files/<redacted>?alt=media&acknowledgeAbuse=true HTTP/1.1

It seems that this is the same issue described here. I changed my command to impersonate a user who has Manager access on this drive, and it completed without error.

That's perfect thanks - I just wanted to make sure rclone was putting the right thing in the URL - which it is.


I've put a little note in the docs about this for the next person (they will go live when 1.62 is released)

Note that if you are using service account it will need Manager
permission (not Content Manager) to for this flag to work. If the SA
does not have the right permission, Google will just ignore the flag.

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