Beta Testing: WebGUI for rclone

Or just leave the IP out to bind to all addresses --rc-addr=:5572

if i run it on vps, with encrypted config, and type password AFTER first time config backends in gui,
so this password will not be in environment vars, but only when rclone asks for it,
what is possibility for evil vps owner to hack into my encrypted config file by reading memory, is rclone memory protected in some way like in ?

No, rclone isn't memory protected. It is very hard to do in a dynamic garbage collected language like go. That package you linked appears to do it though so in theory rclone could use something like that.

rclone would need to keep all the tokens in there and it would be impossible to stop them escaping into normal memory when doing HTTP transactions.

Ultimately if someone else has physical control over your machine then they can steal your secrets eventually. Witness what happened with DVD DRM for example...

Great solution you developed. We now have it working nicely (locally) on Windows and Linux as a GCP Virtual Machine connecting automatically to GCP Cloud Storage mount point and the user can further customize the solution via the webgui. Nice work negative0!


Thank you very much. Thanks for sharing your work. It makes me really happy to see the solution work

Great solution here @negative0 - had a look around and it's a great start.

Given they're not exposed as far as I can tell by rc just yet these are just musings:

Started to imagine how useful this would be for mounting remotes, monitoring the mount status and the cache status for any wrapped remotes (something like cache utilisation on disk in kb and object count).

Another stretch goal would be to have a WebUI page for the amazing ncdu function!

Thanks again.

when i run some video in view type card,
and i close it after watching one minute,
it is still downloading in "running job" why?

Mounting, monitoring the mount status are going to be there in the next release. So do look out for that :slight_smile:

The running jobs are received directly from rclone, even if you close the video, rclone doesn't know that, so it keeps on fetching it from the remote. Can you suggest a fix?

So this is different when rclone is mounted on some drive, and i run for example mpc player, when i stop playing movie rclone does not downloads rest of file. How is closing in webgui different than closing in serve http webdav or mount?

Hmm fix? first thing came to my mind is for example:
if user in webgui starts to watch movie, do not load full but in chunks, like (parameter set configurable by user) 30mb so if he stops playing and close web player nothing above next 30mb wont be downloaded.
But isnt it already in existing --buffer-size parameter?

Is it possible to use this best ever existing video player inside webgui instead of current one:

(with auto subs loading or with selectable subs, it has that option)

Rclone is fantastic, and your project is fantastic too. This will make it much easier for my clients. I am already testing, and installed it for some clients. So far so good. Thank you very much.
It worked great on Centos 7, and also with Ubuntu 16.04

That should be possible. Let me have a look at it :slight_smile:

Thanks for the idea. I found a react project based on video-js, I am currently working on the subtitles feature and it should be out soon :slight_smile:

The project URL is here:

I have created a per-release with the react-awesome-player, which is based on video-js.
The player can now support vtt subtitles. If the subtitle file has the same name as the video, with the .vtt extension, it will be picked up automatically by the player.

To use it:

./rclone rcd --rc-web-gui --rc-web-gui-update --rc-web-fetch-url=

If you want to go back to the current stable release, omit the --rc-web-fetch-url flag:

./rclone rcd --rc-web-gui --rc-web-gui-update 

Beware that --rc-web-gui-update forces the update to be downloaded, so run rclone with it only once.

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Hi @negative0 already update GUI to 0.0.7 and cant see the option to stream videos (the player), only for download, and share.
Im using rclone 1.49.1 on ubuntu 16.04 with this:
rclone rcd --rc-web-gui --rc-user=Myuser --rc-pass=MyPasss --rc-addr=MyIp:5572

Please refer to this post: Beta Testing: WebGUI for rclone

I cant see any checkbox, on ubuntu 16.04 and Windows. GUI 0.0.6 and 0.0.7

But now i found one way to stream videos:

  1. Install download helper 2) Start download any video 3) copy url of media of dh give us 4) cancel download 5) paste url on the browser and watch it.

The load media option was moved out of the more menu. The image will do the magic.

Playing Black panther with subtitles:


Any way to download directories via the Web Gui or am I missing something?