Android and rclone

I am trying to use rclone mount on my Android box. I am getting this error?

rclone -v mount teamdrive: /sdcard/Download/Media --gid 9997 --dir-perms 0771 --file-perms 0660 --umask=0 --allow-other
2021/04/05 18:30:32 Fatal error: failed to mount FUSE fs: fusermount: signal: bad system call. How do I fix this?

need to root the phone.

you can search the forum for posts like

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I am using an Android Box and have successfully installed Magisk. The Rclone RCX will not work for me. I want to mount an rclone drive.

And I have tried piyushgarg rclone and get the same error message

on android, i run rclone inside termux, have you tried that?
it gives a command line and you can see the debug output.

as for rcx, the author, @x0b is a fellow rcloner...

Yes i can run rclone in termux. I have done rclone config. And confirm I can see remote directories by rclone lsd teamdrive:. When I try to use rclone mount I get this error Fatal error: failed to mount FUSE fs: fusermount: signal: bad system call. I have tried rcx but I want a rclone mount solution. I dont think rcx can mount?

i would search the internet, lots of solutions out there

for example,

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