"WinFsp" and "SSHFS-Win" in "Installing on Windows" help section

The article "rclone mount" mentions the need to install the "WinFsp" application and provides a link to its developer's site. However, the link also contains a similar application "SSHFS-Win", which can be downloaded and installed instead of the required "WinFsp".

Here's a possibly outdated quote:


  • Install the latest version of WinFsp.
  • Install the latest version of SSHFS-Win. Choose the x64 or x86 installer according to your computer's architecture.

I, like @RobertusIT the year before last, made this mistake today. At least for now, the "rclone mount" article doesn't mention the "sshfs-win" application.

I suggest adding a phrase like

To run rclone mount on Windows, you will need to download and install "WinFsp" (not "SSHFS-Win"!)

to the "rclone mount" article.

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Forum posts are like a snapshot in time.

You linked a post from 2019, which is a bit dated. We don't go back and edit posts every time something changes as we'd be doing that every hour of every day.

The install instructions are here:


Animosity022, I did not suggest changing the message.
I suggested supplementing the reference article.

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