Win 11 Slow Command Start While on VPN

Well done!

Now we need some Windows guru to shed some light on what is happening here. I am afraid my Win knowledge is not enough to interpret it.

But at least we have clear info captured.

Interestingly thread you mentioned Slow startup on Windows have similar operation causing delay:

11:36:34.2920494 AM rclone.exe 1956 TCP Disconnect RL-BU01-AWS.rockliffe.local:59191 -> a2a:808:::epmap SUCCESS Length: 0, seqnum: 0, connid: 0
11:37:41.2927932 AM rclone.exe 1956 Thread Exit SUCCESS Thread ID: 2120, User Time: 0.0000000, Kernel Time: 0.0000000

network call to epmap port (it is 135 (RPC) I believe)