What's the different between rclone move and Linux mv on local to local?

I don't like Linux mv because it throws quirky error such as destination folders not empty, etc that resulted in success in copying but failed to delete source.

To my surprised "rclone move /mnt/a /mnt/b" works very well especially when used with certain flags.
So what's the different than using Linux mv command?
Does rclone use mv when it detects both source and destination is local?

It seems that rclone does it so much faster than Linux mv commands if you crank up --transfers flag.

Linux mv command is sync (one by one)
Where Rclone’s move is async (parallel, multiple move at once.

Linux mv command is single threaded, where Rclone is multi threaded.

On Windows you can use RoboCopy for parallel multi threaded move/copy.

There are 3 fundamental operations for rclone, sync, copy and move and the all do basically the same thing copy all the files from source to dest. However sync deletes any files on dest that aren't on source, and move deletes the files on source when they have been copied to dest.

It renames the file if it can, yes.


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the problem is robocopy is that it does not perform checksum verification of copied files.
for that you can use fastcopy.

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