What do u think about my idea. policy raid1 writing to 2 most free disk

this was my first try on go code. using this a week now for my backup server. please share what u think and what can be optimized.

repo: rclone/m2mfs.go at master · DEvmIb/rclone · GitHub

type = union
upstreams = s01:/mnt/sdc/rclone s01:/mnt/sdd/rclone s01:/mnt/sda/rclone s01:/mnt/sdb/rclone
cache_time = 10
action_policy = all
create_policy = m2mfs
search_policy = ff
package policy

import (

func init() {
	registerPolicy("m2mfs", &M2Mfs{})

// Mfs stands for most free space
// Search category: same as epmfs.
// Action category: same as epmfs.
// Create category: Pick the drive with the most free space.
type M2Mfs struct {

// Create category policy, governing the creation of files and directories
func (p *M2Mfs) Create(ctx context.Context, upstreams []*upstream.Fs, path string) ([]*upstream.Fs, error) {
	if len(upstreams) == 0 {
		return nil, fs.ErrorObjectNotFound
	upstreams = filterNC(upstreams)
	if len(upstreams) == 0 {
		return nil, fs.ErrorPermissionDenied

	// we need more upstreams 
	if len(upstreams) < 2 {
		return upstreams, nil

	type Disk struct {
		upstream	*upstream.Fs
		free   int64

	var mirrors []*Disk
	var mirr []*upstream.Fs
	for _, u := range upstreams {
		space, _ := u.GetFreeSpace()
		var disk = new(Disk)

	sort.Slice(mirrors, func(i, j int) bool {
		return mirrors[i].free > mirrors[j].free

	//for _, d := range mirrors {
	//	fs.LogPrintf(fs.LogLevelNotice, nil,"%s %s",strconv.FormatInt(d.free,10),d.upstream.Fs)

	if len(mirr) == 0 {
		return nil, fs.ErrorObjectNotFound

	return mirr, nil

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Yes, this policy is missing from Union
We have a relevant ticket