--vfs-cache-mode full not keeping files on disk

Reading the documentation:

In this mode, unlike the others, when a file is written to the disk, it will be kept on the disk after it is written to the remote. It will be purged on a schedule according to --vfs-cache-max-age .

This is not happening. I have the following command:

/usr/bin/rclone mount --user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.131 Safari/537.36 --config=/home/ubuntu/.config/rclone/rclone.conf --allow-other --allow-non-empty --rc --rc-addr=localhost:5573 --fast-list --drive-skip-gdocs --vfs-read-chunk-size=64M --vfs-cache-mode full --vfs-cache-max-size 120G --vfs-cache-max-age 24h --vfs-read-chunk-size-limit=2048M --buffer-size=64M --poll-interval=1m --dir-cache-time=168h --timeout=10m --drive-chunk-size=64M --umask=002 --syslog -v google_chunks: /mnt/google-remote

Based on that, files should be kept on disk for 24h but after my latest test these are the last few copied things:

Jun 20 14:23:09 vps-8d4f8d8b rclone[20467]: 6/8e/55bf88d60bb6749d3596f22fcf0a68e6: Copied (new)
Jun 20 14:23:12 vps-8d4f8d8b rclone[20467]: a/54/36644c9b30da8f94a1bc4dd949cdd54a: Copied (new)
Jun 20 14:23:14 vps-8d4f8d8b rclone[20467]: 2/83/dc675836ec3a73ab3d80aadc21e1b832: Copied (new)
Jun 20 14:23:16 vps-8d4f8d8b rclone[20467]: f/0e/c86623366b9af10989075731236920ef: Copied (new)
Jun 20 14:23:19 vps-8d4f8d8b rclone[20467]: e/67/400f154d3788bedeceaa69f4a2f5f67e: Copied (new)
Jun 20 14:23:21 vps-8d4f8d8b rclone[20467]: 6/c6/6f2471432e1f686c8d9534edf4cedc66: Copied (new)
Jun 20 14:23:23 vps-8d4f8d8b rclone[20467]: b/4f/b6ca34f973874f9d5928d39e7601d4fb: Copied (new)
Jun 20 14:23:26 vps-8d4f8d8b rclone[20467]: 8/ea/49ac084c65a1d92e78cb438f250d2ea8: Copied (new)

But the cache path is empty after that:

sudo du -sh .cache/rclone/vfs/google_chunks
68K .cache/rclone/vfs/google_chunks

This sounds like a bug but I couldn't find anything similar in github. I'm running the latest beta too but it happened on 1.51 as well.

rclone v1.52.1-100-g6606602f-beta

  • os/arch: linux/amd64
  • go version: go1.14.4

It's probably better to work in the vfs beta as that is being reworked so going back and fixing something in the old mode seems like a waste of effort as it's going away soon anyway.

Can you check the testing thread:

and see if the issue is with that still and go from there?

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