VFS cache: do not upload?

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I was using rClone (BETA) + Plexdrive mounts with unionfs-fuse & an rclone-move script. I'm know using rClone (BETA) with VFS cache (full mod) mount with mergerfs and.. still my move script. I use @Animosity022 files (thanks!) - see after.

Today I got a well known error:
2020/09/11 08:29:53 ERROR : "file": vfs cache: failed to download: vfs reader: failed to write to cache file: open file failed: googleapi: Error 403: The download quota for this file has been exceeded., downloadQuotaExceeded

It seems I misunderstood the VFS cache (full) I'm now using. Using the cache makes my move script useless "but" it's the only way I found not to move/sync some files & folders to my GDrive.

Is there anyway to exclude folders from being moved to GDrive using rclone cache? Or is there anyway not to move anything with the cache but using my move script only?

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)

rclone v1.54.0-beta.4762.640d7d3b4

  • os/arch: linux/amd64
  • go version: go1.15

Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)

VERSION="18.04.5 LTS (Bionic Beaver)"

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)


The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)


Description=RClone Service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/rclone mount gcrypt: /home/aerya/mnt/gdrive --allow-other --allow-non-empty --dir-cache-time 1000h --log-level INFO --rc --rc-addr :5572 --rc-no-auth --log-file /home/aerya/logs/rclone.log --poll-interval 15s --umask 002 --user-agent myapp404onlymin3 --cache-dir=/cache --vfs-cache-mode full --vfs-cache-max-size 500G --vfs-cache-max-age 336h --bwlimit-file 16M
ExecStop=/bin/fusermount -uz /home/aerya/mnt/gdrive
ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/rclone rc vfs/refresh recursive=true --rc-addr _async=true


move.sh | I know its unionfs-fuse related


sleep 30
while true
  echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") RCLONE UPLOAD STARTED" | tee -a "$LOG"
rclone move -c -v --copy-links --exclude='**partial~' --exclude="**_HIDDEN~" --exclude=".unionfs/**" --exclude=".unionfs-fuse/**" --exclude="$EXC2" --exclude="$EXC3" --exclude="$EXC4" --exclude="$EXC5" --exclude="$EXC6" --min-age 5m --delete-after --transfers=10 --checkers=10 --stats 5s --log-file="$LOG" /home/aerya/mnt/move gcrypt:/
sleep 480
  echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") RCLONE UPLOAD ENDED" | tee -a "$LOG"

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

type = drive
client_id = 
client_secret = 
token = wqwqwqw

type = crypt
remote = gdrive:/Enc
filename_encryption = standard
password = wqwqw
password2 = wqwqwq

[crypt] #not used anymore
type = crypt
remote = /home/aerya/mnt/plexdrive/
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = true
password = wqwqw
password2 = wqwqwq

A log from the command with the -vv flag

2020/09/09 22:51:41 INFO  : Series/wqwwq: vfs cache: downloader: error count now 9: vfs reader: failed to write to cache file: open file failed: googleapi: Error 403: The download quota for this file has been exceeded., downloadQuotaExceeded
2020/09/09 22:51:41 ERROR : Series/wqwwq: vfs cache: failed to download: vfs reader: failed to write to cache file: open file failed: googleapi: Error 403: The download quota for this file has been exceeded., downloadQuotaExceeded
2020/09/09 22:51:41 INFO  : Series/wqwwq: vfs cache: downloader: error count now 10: vfs reader: failed to write to cache file: open file failed: googleapi: Error 403: The download quota for this file has been exceeded., downloadQuotaExceeded
2020/09/09 22:51:41 ERROR : Series/wqwwq: vfs cache: failed to download: vfs reader: failed to write to cache file: open file failed: googleapi: Error 403: The download quota for this file has been exceeded., downloadQuotaExceeded
2020/09/09 22:51:41 INFO  : Series/wqwwq: vfs cache: downloader: error count now 9: vfs reader: failed to write to cache file: open file failed: googleapi: Error 403: The download quota for this file has been exceeded., downloadQuotaExceeded

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