Version that works with osx 10.7.5 lion?

Hi, I have an old mac (intel MBP) running 10.7.5 that I wanted to use rclone on for overnight uploads. Does anyone know if/what previous version of rclone might work with 10.7.5? I tried current 32 & 64 bit with no luck. (Illegal instruction: 4 or other errors).


That OS is from 2011.

You need to find a version of GO that works on something that old. has all the old downloads so feel free to try what works as I'm not sure what works if anything.

go1.10 supported Mountain Lion.

go1.11 (released 2018/08/24)
go1.10 (released 2018/02/16)

So you want an rclone release between those two dates,

rclone v1.42 - 2018-06-16 would be my best guess!

The other thing you could do is download go1.10 and compile rclone from source - it still builds with go1.10.

Thanks - 1.42 worked!

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Be mindful of older versions as well as to what you are doing and what backend you are using as well.

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