Using Hash instead of Drive letters

I don't think it's currently possible to use Volume GUID instead of everchanging drive letter in Windows.

rclone copy "\\?\Volume{05441e5-4870-"1ef-42b1-885b7661b033}\" "xxx"

this would be more robust way doing backups.

Natively not supported:

dir "\\?\Volume{05441e5-4870-"1ef-42b1-885b7661b033}\"
The parameter is incorrect.

so rclone could detect if hash is provided.

Hash is available via mountvol
Linux also has hashes.

welcome to the forum,

rclone.exe copy \\?\Volume{68827449-de5e-46e5-b8b3-4962c7d84067}\files\file.ext d:\tmp -vv 
DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.67.0" starting with parameters ["c:\\data\\rclone\\rclone.exe" "copy" "\\\\?\\Volume{68827449-de5e-46e5-b8b3-4962c7d84067}\\files\\file.ext" "d:\\tmp" "-vv"]
DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "\\\\?\\Volume{68827449-de5e-46e5-b8b3-4962c7d84067}\\files\\file.ext"
DEBUG : Using config file from "c:\\data\\rclone\\rclone.conf"
DEBUG : fs cache: adding new entry for parent of "\\\\?\\Volume{68827449-de5e-46e5-b8b3-4962c7d84067}\\files\\file.ext", "//?/Volume{68827449-de5e-46e5-b8b3-4962c7d84067}/files"
DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "d:\\tmp"
DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "d:\\tmp" to be canonical "//?/d:/tmp"
DEBUG : file.ext: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination
DEBUG : file.ext: md5 = 9afcb2d16863f2df14342a4143c7e45d OK
DEBUG : file.ext.vepevug9.partial: renamed to: file.ext
INFO  : file.ext: Copied (new)
INFO  : 
Transferred:   	          4 B / 4 B, 100%, 0 B/s, ETA -
Transferred:            1 / 1, 100%
Elapsed time:         0.0s

that is correct for dos but there a number of workarounds, one of which, i mention in my guide about using VSS snapshots with rclone.

mklink b:\falconer\vss\test /d \\?\Volume{49f7c0ee-485f-4a7f-85be-f5a55b15851a}\data
symbolic link created for b:\falconer\vss\test <<===>> \\?\Volume{49f7c0ee-485f-4a7f-85be-f5a55b15851a}\data

Correct. It's documented here, and we have an open issue here, so check those out for background information. However; there seem to have been some movement in the underlying golang issue, and when I test it on rclone 1.67 built from go1.22.4 it seem to work now. Did you try it with this version?

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Wow in 1.63.1 it works great! I cannot go higher than that.

Great. I found that this has actually worked in rclone for a long time - v1.57.0 and newer. Documentation will be updated.