Uptobox setup stuck on 'storage'

I noticed another user here has shared their setup, which I have tweaked to my needs.

rclone mount --allow-other -v --vfs-cache-max-age 1m --transfers 16 --vfs-cache-mode writes --dir-cache-time 1m --cache-dir=/home/fmchris10/cache/ Uptobox: /home/fmchris10/Uptobox/Movies

This is what I got back:

2022/02/15 15:19:38 INFO : Uptobox root '': poll-interval is not supported by this remote
2022/02/15 15:19:38 INFO : vfs cache: cleaned: objects 0 (was 0) in use 0, to upload 0, uploading 0, total size 0 (was 0)
2022/02/15 15:19:38 mount helper error: fusermount: bad mount point /home/fmchris10/Uptobox/Movies: No such file or directory
2022/02/15 15:19:38 Fatal error: failed to mount FUSE fs: fusermount: exit status 1

The part which mentions "bad mount point", I believed this to be the location of Uptobox.

Any ideas what the right location might be?

as we discussed, the local mount point need to exist and be empty

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I need to create the "Uptobox/Movies" folder? What permissions should these be set as?

I've got it working! Sorry, as you can tell, I am not very good at this stuff.

rclone mount --allow-other -v --vfs-cache-max-age 1m --transfers 16 --vfs-cache-mode writes --dir-cache-time 1m --cache-dir=/home/fmchris10/cache/ uptobox: /home/fmchris10/Movies/

Worked fine, could you tell me how to include the part about pulling items from an uptobox folder?

not undersanding the question?

I have a folder in my account called /Movies/

I would just like to just obtain those files via RClone. Is there any way to keep the connection stable without having terminal on?

rclone mount --allow-other -v --vfs-cache-max-age 1m --transfers 16 --vfs-cache-mode writes --dir-cache-time 1m --cache-dir=/home/fmchris10/cache/ uptobox:Movies /home/fmchris10/Movies/

Like this?

to acesss the file in uptobox, use the local mount point.

can use
--- systemd, as per the rclone documentation
--- cron scheduler.
--- screen
--- tmux
--- as this is not really a rclone questions, can search the internet.

Could you explain this a little clearer please?

rclone mount takes uptobox and make it appear as local storage, at /home/fmchris10/Movies
the files can be found at /home/fmchris10/Movies

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Rodger, I follow you now.

Would you be able to point me in the direction of a noob friendly guide?

I exited Terminal as I remote accessing the machine, my remote 'uptobox config' disappeared. As you will see, I am quite slow at picking this stuff up. I would appreciate any pointers, thank you for your time and help.

for cron, try https://linuxhint.com/cron_jobs_complete_beginners_tutorial/
might want to run script at boot, see step 19.
and see step 2.2. Crontab Generator about a website that will generate the cron entry for you.

I'll take a look into this, thank you.

I have Jellyfin installed using Docker/Portainer.

I tried to access the files I wanted to import. Jellyfin gives "The path could not be found. Please ensure the path is valid and try again."

Adding a volume in portainer gives a red: "Failure: Request failed with status code 500".

I have an external hard drive imported and working fine.

I have noticed that despite changing the chmod for the uptobox folder 'Movies', it doesn't save. Any ideas how I might be able to get around this?

make sure you can see the files at the mount point.
do not test not using docker/jellyfin.

test using a file manager or on the command line.

play a media file using vlc or whatever media play you choose.

get the working first, then test using docker

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I see the files, I can play them using VLC.

I tried adding a new volume again but I got the same red error message.
"Failure: Request failed with status code 500"

It's working!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

JoJo you're no longer a human monkey, but a super human computer. :joy:

Would increasing the cache improve the ability to skip forward? At the moment it closes the stream when it's attempted. I have 240gb SSD in my machine and, I am mindful about wasting space.

Yet a bit of flexibility would harm, as my HDD is 2TB, so I should have some space to play with.

i have not used uptoxbox as they block user in the US and not sure how it behaves with rclone mount.
never tested how it works with rclone mount
if you can post the top twenty lines of a rclone debug log, i can offer better advice.

to improve skipping performance,
might add --vfs-read-ahead, perhaps --vfs-read-ahead=2G

i have an emby server that uses a rclone mount,
for that i use a very simple mount command, no --vfs-cache-mode, in effect --vfs-cache-mode=off
tho i have a 1Gbps fiber optic internet connection with very low latency.
skipping is almost real time.

rclone mount remote: /path/to/mountpoint --read-only --allow-other


rclone mount --allow-other -v --vfs-cache-max-age 1m --transfers 16 --vfs-cache-mode writes --dir-cache-time 1m --cache-dir=/home/fmchris10/cache/ uptobox:Movies /home/fmchris10/Movies/

if you do not know what a flag does, then do not use it, use the default value

--vfs-cache-max-age 1m makes no sense, best to just remove that.
--dir-cache-time 1m, makes no sense, best to just remove that.
change --vfs-cache-mode writes to --vfs-cache-mode full

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