Unable to server-side copy/move to different filename encryption on Dropbox

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I uploaded some encrypted files to Dropbox with base32 filename encoding, but started running into "file name too long" errors, so I decided to change it to base32768. But I've already transferred about 10 TB of data and would prefer not to re-transfer it. So I thought it would work with server_side_across_configs, but rclone is still downloading to memory and reuploading.

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

rclone v1.58.1
- os/version: debian 11.3 (64 bit)
- os/kernel: 4.19.0-18-amd64 (x86_64)
- os/type: linux
- os/arch: amd64
- go/version: go1.17.9
- go/linking: static
- go/tags: none

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)


The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone move -P -vv --crypt-server-side-across-configs --transfers 16 --checkers 16 --fast-list --dropbox-batch-mode async --dropbox-batch-size 1000 --dropbox-batch-timeout 10s dropbox-crypt-old: dropbox-crypt:

(Also tried rclone copy. Same happens with --dropbox-batch-mode sync/off as well.)

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

type = crypt
remote = dropbox:Private (Old)
password = REDACTED
password2 = REDACTED
filename_encoding = base32
server_side_across_configs = true

type = crypt
remote = dropbox:Private
password = REDACTED
password2 = REDACTED
filename_encoding = base32768
server_side_across_configs = true

A log from the command with the -vv flag

2022/07/02 13:25:53 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.58.1" starting with parameters ["rclone" "move" "-P" "-vv" "--crypt-server-side-across-configs" "--transfers" "16" "--chec
kers" "16" "--fast-list" "--dropbox-batch-mode" "async" "--dropbox-batch-size" "1000" "--dropbox-batch-timeout" "10s" "dropbox-crypt-old:" "dropbox-crypt:"]
2022/07/02 13:25:53 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "dropbox-crypt-old:"                                                                                             
2022/07/02 13:25:53 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/nyuszika7h/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"                                                                          
2022/07/02 13:25:53 DEBUG : dropbox-crypt-old: detected overridden config - adding "{Db_Y9}" suffix to name                                                               
2022/07/02 13:25:53 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "dropbox:Private (Old)"     
2022/07/02 13:25:53 DEBUG : dropbox: detected overridden config - adding "{CaXPI}" suffix to name                                                                         
2022/07/02 13:25:54 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "dropbox:Private (Old)" to be canonical "dropbox{CaXPI}:Private (Old)"                                          
2022/07/02 13:25:54 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "dropbox-crypt-old:" to be canonical "dropbox-crypt-old{Db_Y9}:"                                                
2022/07/02 13:25:54 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "dropbox-crypt:"            
2022/07/02 13:25:54 DEBUG : dropbox-crypt: detected overridden config - adding "{Db_Y9}" suffix to name                                                                   
2022/07/02 13:25:54 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "dropbox:Private"                                                                                                
2022/07/02 13:25:54 DEBUG : dropbox: detected overridden config - adding "{CaXPI}" suffix to name                                                                         
2022/07/02 13:25:54 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "dropbox:Private" to be canonical "dropbox{CaXPI}:Private"                                                      
2022/07/02 13:25:54 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "dropbox-crypt:" to be canonical "dropbox-crypt{Db_Y9}:"                                                        
2022-07-02 13:25:57 DEBUG : 靀工轜⫮㕣晦常߆忟/㗽妤昙ሠ橁㴧⎼悀㚿/ꀿꐏ㨱ᘎ倉鞑錙ꐯ呟/眎久㦹樳ꏡ恦神ቯ吝ꀙ硰瞢䟄錱桯钩⎩㿛꜂㲻簶䶚劯㑽䭚埋馋㜝⡉瘦劸ꃘ樫䵿ቴ濆撦閪ᒼꀀ剹胤甉桌ᖈ煻筊砉 
泎ᕤ㥷獥跞▥邆豖炪ᡚ䉶䨃㡪芔䋅ꌼ╯鰨㲆飝ʏ: Uploading chunk 1/1                 
2022-07-02 13:25:57 DEBUG : Encrypted drive 'dropbox-crypt{Db_Y9}:': Waiting for checks to finish                                                                         
2022-07-02 13:25:57 DEBUG : Encrypted drive 'dropbox-crypt{Db_Y9}:': Waiting for transfers to finish                                                                      
2022-07-02 13:25:57 DEBUG : 靀工轜⫮㕣晦常߆忟/㗽妤昙ሠ橁㴧⎼悀㚿/ꀿꐏ㨱ᘎ倉鞑錙ꐯ呟/ꖥ砹筜⏓荠ᓒ➭泼䅪㫐昤䲥ᘏ鹠邞䉇狃稰㗋䖜砤葢铇劦卌怘㪍䕕㕚捭糋礖⍗䄕餟钗蘑㫖壢㡀ꖫ䎺ꊳꜻ爰ꗖᠫ啲媦哢
乒颕爷歋釽穈釿镣ꊗ藸䔠骄㘢Ԑᚠ㺡藾䪖ɏ: Uploading chunk 1/1                 
2022-07-02 13:25:57 DEBUG : 靀工轜⫮㕣晦常߆忟/㗽妤昙ሠ橁㴧⎼悀㚿/ꀿꐏ㨱ᘎ倉鞑錙ꐯ呟/韾糪⡹幘咔镲偵嶬翴尛᧴噔ꏟ谓粐鲊䳃ᖣꕘ⦳鞒巈ꝅ⣪☍纹က謣☲鋪䴇Ꙗ屧阑㱸䇙攝锜栛楛詆呕顓凲㣆槈軫⎍諮魌㢴
ꈺ榵ꏟ螡猱䏄ڊ攺彣託㫁䔏昽巰酐㦍泒Ⱄ䨟皩臺俽䞘䐄麺塏: Uploading chunk 1/1           
2022-07-02 13:25:57 DEBUG : 靀工轜⫮㕣晦常߆忟/㗽妤昙ሠ橁㴧⎼悀㚿/ꀿꐏ㨱ᘎ倉鞑錙ꐯ呟/氶⛨ⴅ植奬ᘵ悐姼祻蒌⪪鹋夗☥䛚踷鍱䰜丨䇽㔢邠謺㕟癈鏇缂蜀ꃦ䳆鱯祧䈬褏厫网聊鎖鲕ᇬ䒉䯅㇟袔瘟葬鯴㖢 
法☦儉䪦曉摲䊏㧛髆㱁鼧疿: Uploading chunk 1/3                                    
2022-07-02 13:25:57 DEBUG : 靀工轜⫮㕣晦常߆忟/㗽妤昙ሠ橁㴧⎼悀㚿/ꀿꐏ㨱ᘎ倉鞑錙ꐯ呟/ᗘ䙉駄笂㴟ᖸ跭抩➉㟨◷拺鋙㱽熋竄㷄氟亶儓䍏潪澲㫜䛠鋜䗫㾶秒梠砇ꂀ淒䪓㙢繚鈳愘踑琁䟸㻾䧗肈ጯ袌ᐰ癄
妕藨螗ᇶ淤誯㮻煝䪂襬閘缴㮻秃犟币㩕珷桒㚄惝淽䊐ᓊ拆嘘萉鱉㗏: Uploading chunk 1/1         
2022-07-02 13:25:58 DEBUG : 掁鈂䫊婛屧㵩鄴骸糟/綔㇊飐姞罄┢㵫斤壟/䦊儷瘄岟Ⳇ帋祁灚沦蕣蘇╢ꑀ焿帅硲ꕒɟ: Uploading chunk 1/1783                                                 
2022-07-02 13:25:58 DEBUG : 靀工轜⫮㕣晦常߆忟/㗽妤昙ሠ橁㴧⎼悀㚿/ꀿꐏ㨱ᘎ倉鞑錙ꐯ呟/唨▛炼㩈鑙氮拈㥻倀ꌢ䕺䬺憵团鉆殖㜪桡霓嗙餁摂Ꝗ⪳擢㰻꒫攗㿱婚䚿⡾階氒渠卶㷾笣䚪䥣呸鼟滥绉㗾秶襯
視喇詏䇀磖䫟駱鄜秵激龡嗣拯: Uploading chunk 1/3
2022-07-02 13:25:58 DEBUG : 掁鈂䫊婛屧㵩鄴骸糟/綔㇊飐姞罄┢㵫斤壟/䔫幛䦈⎽鍏襎嬶吜僞鞷蚜鐔內穷罗峂薆ʟ: Uploading chunk 1/1300
2022-07-02 13:25:58 DEBUG : 掁鈂䫊婛屧㵩鄴骸糟/綔㇊飐姞罄┢㵫斤壟/歖渙氦䓰䯌歐鵹䷘㪰剸彚襁笔ᠨ擞稾炅ɟʟ: Uploading chunk 1/1170
2022-07-02 13:25:58 DEBUG : 靀工轜⫮㕣晦常߆忟/㗽妤昙ሠ橁㴧⎼悀㚿/ꀿꐏ㨱ᘎ倉鞑錙ꐯ呟/绥鄠耼㨐䝹蔇㝯䄄闻猜藐ߓ臝㤏鬨䔏缋➳毟㛠㔪卼箱攵㧣皻果䖙ဉ楧啑礝碆ꈍ㡟㘞ᴞ䅀㔋䡽穲ᗉ娄⍚籉釻缊✻
䩃䣣ဒ壜䰸黓畴ꗢ堭唝萩礯: Uploading chunk 1/1 
2022-07-02 13:25:58 DEBUG : 靀工轜⫮㕣晦常߆忟/㗽妤昙ሠ橁㴧⎼悀㚿/ꀿꐏ㨱ᘎ倉鞑錙ꐯ呟/废璄茄楹瓵㣻䖅䙌贰ᄚ瘽橸ሌ儑㕇暷裚ꈰ㿩輤䖃釤ᓊ銉疸葆鶗ꉉ䎰ᓟ魧斐衂燇ꑚ荋䰞⛼撣ꡌ㷰㱍㣟八旇伢◹㽯
ᴑ䳃秌歑㻳ꛓ阝峺䯼㘺ᔍ䝟: Uploading chunk 1/3
2022-07-02 13:25:58 INFO  : Signal received: interrupt
2022-07-02 13:25:58 INFO  : Dropbox root 'Private (Old)': Commiting uploads - please wait...
2022-07-02 13:25:58 INFO  : Dropbox root 'Private': Commiting uploads - please wait...
2022-07-02 13:25:58 INFO  : Exiting... 
Transferred:       72.424 MiB / 912.574 GiB, 0%, 9.521 MiB/s, ETA 1d3h15m46s
Checks:                 0 / 16, 0%
Transferred:            0 / 800, 0%
Elapsed time:         4.8s

 *   Backups/cadoth-theta/backup-20220622.tar.gz:  0% /83.550Gi, 128.035Ki/s, 190h3m35s
 *   Backups/cadoth-theta/backup-20220623.tar.gz:  0% /75.367Gi, 0/s, -
 *   Backups/cadoth-theta/backup-20220624.tar.gz:  0% /75.713Gi, 0/s, -
 *   Backups/cadoth-theta/backup-20220627.tar.gz:  0% /60.877Gi, 0/s, -
 *   Backups/cadoth-theta/backup-20220628.tar.gz:  0% /61.690Gi, 0/s, -
 * K-Pop/Fancams/SBS/[슈퍼콘…19.8.2-brXh2B3HbpA.mp4:  7% /39.076Mi, 0/s, -
 * K-Pop/Fancams/SBS/[슈퍼콘…anCam)-lmLM_8NlGJ4.mp4:  0% /102.631Mi, 0/s, -
 * K-Pop/Fancams/SBS/[슈퍼콘…19.8.2-odZTdhk1e9k.mp4: 48% /43.635Mi, 11.150Mi/s, 2s
 * K-Pop/Fancams/SBS/[안방1…9.5.26-0msng1Bsrrk.mp4:  5% /120.335Mi, 1.093Mi/s, 1m44s
 * K-Pop/Fancams/SBS/[안방1…20.3.8-7enEEbNf-iM.mp4:  0% /42.302Mi, 0/s, -

I don't think dropbox supports server side across configs which is the problem.

felix@gemini:/opt/rclone$ rclone backend features DB:
	"Name": "DB",
	"Root": "",
	"String": "Dropbox root ''",
	"Precision": 1000000000,
	"Hashes": [
	"Features": {
		"About": true,
		"BucketBased": false,
		"BucketBasedRootOK": false,
		"CanHaveEmptyDirectories": true,
		"CaseInsensitive": true,
		"ChangeNotify": true,
		"CleanUp": false,
		"Command": false,
		"Copy": true,
		"DirCacheFlush": false,
		"DirMove": true,
		"Disconnect": false,
		"DuplicateFiles": false,
		"GetTier": false,
		"IsLocal": false,
		"ListR": false,
		"MergeDirs": false,
		"Move": true,
		"OpenWriterAt": false,
		"PublicLink": true,
		"Purge": true,
		"PutStream": true,
		"PutUnchecked": false,
		"ReadMimeType": false,
		"ServerSideAcrossConfigs": false,
		"SetTier": false,
		"SetWrapper": false,
		"Shutdown": true,
		"SlowHash": false,
		"SlowModTime": false,
		"UnWrap": false,
		"UserInfo": false,
		"WrapFs": false,
		"WriteMimeType": false

Ah, didn't know that's a separate feature that needs to be supported. I just saw it supports server-side copy and move so I assumed it would work.

It would work in this case I think.

Maybe this should bea global flash and just let the user decide? Or maybe rclone should check at all.

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