Unable to create file after mounting S3 on windows

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

S3 bucket mounted on Windows unable write file, only zero byte file. I can create a folders cannot create/copy the file.

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

rclone.exe --version
rclone v1.57.0

  • os/version: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 2009 (64 bit)
  • os/kernel: 10.0.19043.1466 (x86_64)
  • os/type: windows
  • os/arch: amd64
  • go/version: go1.17.2
  • go/linking: dynamic
  • go/tags: cmount

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)


The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone copy .\powershellSRC s:test909/test/

Paste command here

#### The rclone config contents with secrets removed.  
<!--  You should use 3 backticks to begin and end your paste to make it readable.   -->

Paste config here

type = s3
provider = AWS
access_key_id = xxxx
secret_access_key = xxxxxx
region = us-west-2
location_constraint = us-west-2
env_auth = false
acl = private
session_token = xxx

#### A log from the command with the `-vv` flag  
<!-- You should use 3 backticks to begin and end your paste to make it readable.  Or use a service such as https://pastebin.com or https://gist.github.com/   -->
<!--2022/01/27 13:32:17 NOTICE: RIDM_APP_0_36_rc2_167_10_3a7a355a_7_TEST-012622/diagnostics/ridm.pdx: Failed to read metadata: Forbidden: Forbidden
        status code: 403, request id: xxxxxxxxxxxxx, host id: +xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx= --!>

Paste log here

hello and welcome to the forum,

a little confused, are you using rclone mount or rclone copy
or both, using rclone copy to copy a file to the rclone mount

and can you post the full rclone debug log, so we can see exactly what is going on.

I am using both.
The service rclone has been started.
2022/01/27 13:32:06 NOTICE: RIDM_CAL_0_36_rc2_168_10_3a7a355a_7_GAMMA_LOW_TORQUE-012622/RIDM_CAL.hex: Failed to read metadata: Forbidden: Forbidden
status code: 403, request id: GQ7BEC29DQTENF0J, host id: zgS81jmPlAxYx//SPsg77tvu2DIewYCJxR9xY4CY2Y9/XJ8f7dIxMY7keMRpY4CAPHW13DhHNww=
2022/01/27 13:32:06 NOTICE: RIDM_CAL_0_36_rc2_168_10_3a7a355a_7_GAMMA_LOW_TORQUE-012622/config.json: Failed to read metadata: Forbidden: Forbidden
status code: 403, request id: GQ777SDFJT096ZEP, host id: 3omKHIqHgounsM0mYSTpZTePipJUZSPCEFeoSVNEmkLAxRPUDssfrOq6+iWlzRUfepnn6wrAKjU=
2022/01/27 13:32:06 NOTICE: RIDM_CAL_0_36_rc2_168_10_3a7a355a_7_GAMMA_LOW_TORQUE-012622/release_notes.yaml: Failed to read metadata: Forbidden: Forbidden
status code: 403, request id: GQ76P3FEH3WRPHAN, host id: rOMVO5t0DGg6RZ3jP2ql4JP4BnW77/NogZUKtY9c43eDX5s3nH/yvvCt11beFfZB2/n3NXeVxcE=
2022/01/27 13:32:16 NOTICE: RIDM_APP_0_36_rc2_167_10_3a7a355a_7_GAMMA-012622/Code: Failed to read metadata: Forbidden: Forbidden
status code: 403, request id: 8JHJ0YP9JHF70Y4H, host id: 1i1nQmDw/uA4RyQrkmBGzw645ccbRNnd1HIWOWKpUhR6cmUU0YnMXf6jZSfNfsPYRItYJnw+uQk=
2022/01/27 13:32:16 NOTICE: RIDM_APP_0_36_rc2_167_10_3a7a355a_7_GAMMA-012622/Code.map: Failed to read metadata: Forbidden: Forbidden
status code: 403, request id: 8JHVA7MSY70B14VM, host id: e1UCWn2Z2r7mv8EQ/UZIy0qV7Jhkva620cDMTee/8obieV8MkqKTn51vGHw2zhNLQ4mGudvAwlk=
2022/01/27 13:32:16 NOTICE: RIDM_APP_0_36_rc2_167_10_3a7a355a_7_GAMMA-012622/RIDM_App.hex: Failed to read metadata: Forbidden: Forbidden
status code: 403, request id: 8JHPFC81NY1R4BB4, host id: AXz5zC6dbEVk1ETe1b16T2DpG/dRSLbjnGVvkJfVykJcZfVqDHgzqo5CnBsrlwABCQ893UTBsjw=
2022/01/27 13:32:16 NOTICE: RIDM_APP_0_36_rc2_167_10_3a7a355a_7_GAMMA-012622/config.json: Failed to read metadata: Forbidden: Forbidden
status code: 403, request id: 8JHSYAES0B7W8AAF, host id: 29LODoJPxswxPsKTfP+CQJn5JmJdyV9QX7lyEyvxAUB5VmhyMEm0J3AbtCO9Nfh9eG6B6GlqYew=
2022/01/27 13:32:16 NOTICE: RIDM_APP_0_36_rc2_167_10_3a7a355a_7_GAMMA-012622/release_notes.yaml: Failed to read metadata: Forbidden: Forbidden
status code: 403, request id: 8JHNE0BC5B9PJ1WE, host id: sNpHr4lBy2hb/p+ToPSso5NJw1/Zi2NwyFcNV1VEsjGYiObkoo5v1b6dC388u8sH9u4NpFwVwXQ=
2022/01/27 13:32:16 NOTICE: RIDM_APP_0_36_rc2_167_10_3a7a355a_7_GAMMA-012622/diagnostics/RIDM.cdd: Failed to read metadata: Forbidden: Forbidden
status code: 403, request id: 8JHTM0BV0SAJ5AHK, host id: IKaXxtlZCLuyKjqXS50TvyL5HaRUSCM4pNH1aMt9m7InFwoZHawlOr/8fvi/Pu32ZdfGbHzz8ic=
2022/01/27 13:32:16 NOTICE: RIDM_APP_0_36_rc2_167_10_3a7a355a_7_GAMMA-012622/diagnostics/RIDM.xlsx: Failed to read metadata: Forbidden: Forbidden
status code: 403, request id: MZ8DEQMR4J2QF5JD, host id: W5tn/Z/S/Co95nCocBZr5iAv9NacDfn9Vfc7/7gxLiYtvNviTM7aI6zg9+0jdl6T4APYtzo7gyM=
2022/01/27 13:32:16 NOTICE: RIDM_APP_0_36_rc2_167_10_3a7a355a_7_GAMMA-012622/diagnostics/ridm.odx-d: Failed to read metadata: Forbidden: Forbidden
status code: 403, request id: MZ8B2NECTNJVYDP2, host id: lpjzfk2eg0WmqAjFu8cKFBaNgCqsU2URHZc0mJM0hGggP/21jXuk3Ck9ZI5BXFMq/YHC2xNf5oY=
2022/01/27 13:32:17 NOTICE: RIDM_APP_0_36_rc2_167_10_3a7a355a_7_GAMMA-012622/diagnostics/ridm.pdx: Failed to read metadata: Forbidden: Forbidden

that is a reponse from aws.

this is the suggested default permission for a bucket policy

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