Tutorial: Sync Google Drive files on Linux with Rclone bisync and systemd

Here's a tutorial for how to set up automatic & regular bi-directional syncing with rclone and Google drive on Linux using systemd service, timer and file watcher.

High level summary:

  • Install rclone
  • Create Google Drive "remote" connection (called "drive")
  • Create filter file to ignore some files from syncing
  • Create a command using new feature called rclone bisync and run this command for the first time
  • [optional] Create systemd service to run the same command for you
  • [optional] Create systemd timer to run the service regularly
  • [optional] Create systemd path watcher to run the service automatically when you change the files

See the tutorial at Tutorial: Sync Google Drive files on Linux with Rclone bisync and systemd \ stacker news ~tutorials

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