Trying to mount on podman unshare

I'm trying to use rootless podman to run plex server. I'm following this guide:

I've made a folder and user podman unshare to set permissions to media:media.

I've also added me to the group media, so I can access and edit the folder from my own user.

However, I'm not being able to mount there. I get mount helper error: fusermount: user has no write access to mountpoint error.

This is the folder's permissions:

drwxr-xr-x. 1      101000      101000  0 jul 23 11:51 media


Fix the permissions issue?

That's a pretty complex docker install setup so you'd want to step through and see where permissions do not line up.

The error there is telling you the user you are running as does not have write permission to unmount.

101000 is the user that owns the directory.
101000 is the group that owns the directory.

You'd need to add write permissions for that group 101000 to your user running the command.

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