I'm trying to set up a OneDrive connection on my macOS running 15.2, Rclone 1.69
Everything works fine with the config process until I actually have to provide the details of the specific OneDrive I want to connect to; I've selected option 3 from the 7 options for OneDrive. I enter all manner of variations on the URL for the Sharepoint, but I can't seem to get it right.
The Directory is Read-Only, and when I visit the specific webpage where I can view the page, the URL is: https://[ORGNAMEDELETED].sharepoint.com/sites/PolicyandDevelopment-ExternalShares/Community%20Shares/Forms/AllItems.aspx?csf=1&web=1&e=Z7tt1l&CID=a4fcdc87%2D3e49%2D42d6%2Db4c0%2Db3dd8494b371&FolderCTID=0x012000951358091EE9D14688B27CDDAA2EFD32&id=%2Fsites%2FPolicyandDevelopment%2DExternalShares%2FCommunity%20Shares%2FPractitioner%20Folder
Whatever combo of the initial part of the URL I use* I get the same error:
Failed to query available site by relative path: HTTP error 500 (500 Internal Server Error) returned body: "{\"error\":{\"code\":\"InternalServerError\",\"message\":\"Unable to find target address (Microsoft.FileServices,MSA,False)\",\"innerError\":{\"date\":\"2025-01-22T11:21:51\",\"request-id\":\"8df19e31-86d2-42d1-a24b-128091498ae5\",\"client-request-id\":\"8df19e31-86d2-42d1-a24b-128091498ae5\"}}}"
I've contacted the tech support team of the organisation concerned, and they've not got familiarity with Rclone, so they suggested I come here. Are there specific settings they need to make at their end to enable Rclone to work? Is there a specific way I need to refer to the URL in the config process to make it work?
- I've tried: https://[ORGNAMEDELETED].sharepoint.com/sites/PolicyandDevelopment-ExternalShares/Community%20Shares/Forms/