What is the problem you are having with rclone?
I appear to be having the problem that was already described here: Transfer percentages >100%? , only it is much much worse. I am trying to sync from s3 to dropbox. Every so often, a bunch of transfers get stuck... but they are stuck in the thousands of percent:
Transferred: 6.557 GiB / 6.467 GiB, 101%, 178.625 KiB/s, ETA -
Checks: 37588 / 47604, 79%
Transferred: 157 / 188, 84%
Elapsed time: 2h20m24.7s
* datasets/call-logs/RE2…eeb659ee91e8a11c8243ef: checking
* geo/2017/fcc/tv/1357806.json: checking
* backup/prod/pricing/zi…tDeepSearchResults.xml: checking
* datasets/calls/transcr…0a33fc0196e2cd906.json: checking
* datasets/calls/transcr…4456364943e2d44c3.json: checking
* datasets/calls/transcr…fccc6852dc00d072b.json: checking
* geo/2017/fcc/radio/fm/119832.json: checking
* backup/prod/insightly/…2-02T03:43:59.jsonl.gz: checking
* qa/dotloop-activity202…1-9fca-da89e020d578.gz:3511% /145.827Ki, 0/s, -
* qa/dotloop-activity202…e-a12b-90023154dd43.gz:3611% /141.754Ki, 0/s, -
* qa/dotloop-activity202…6-8c80-b15bdb32ce77.gz:3498% /146.372Ki, 0/s, -
* qa/dotloop-activity202…e-8499-8c896e0e165b.gz:3661% /139.838Ki, 0/s, -
* qa/dotloop-activity202…f-9af2-41a1a91b5e97.gz:3824% /133.874Ki, 0/s, -
* qa/dotloop-activity202…4-b556-782c2b7d90a1.gz:3674% /139.342Ki, 0/s, -
* qa/dotloop-activity202…f-af1b-b83966dbcb35.gz:3381% /151.425Ki, 0/s, -
* qa/dotloop-activity202…e-b527-9a29f09c55ae.gz:3453% /148.264Ki, 0/s, -
* qa/dotloop-activity202…2-88ad-f5778dfa0075.gz:3442% /148.736Ki, 0/s, -
* qa/dotloop-activity202…c-b64b-a5f8c82d0142.gz:3271% /156.502Ki, 0/s, -
* qa/dotloop-activity202…b-9bf0-5828a53422ce.gz:3784% /135.292Ki, 0/s, -
* qa/dotloop-activity202…b-a9be-175e9be4fb56.gz:3548% /144.293Ki, 0/s, -
* qa/dotloop-activity202…f-b6a6-0e9a0e5a7759.gz:3500% /146.287Ki, 0/s, -
* qa/dotloop-activity202…f-be45-a1bede43bc64.gz:3470% /147.513Ki, 0/s, -
* qa/dotloop-activity202…a-950b-52dc5d73fecd.gz:3660% /139.879Ki, 0/s, -
* qa/dotloop-activity202…0-baa1-041b7dfd55fe.gz:3508% /145.957Ki, 0/s, -
* qa/dotloop-activity202…5-ba52-44550653296c.gz:3275% /156.309Ki, 0/s, -
* qa/dotloop-activity202…a-a2f8-5c9333d94d70.gz:3395% /150.805Ki, 0/s, -
* qa/dotloop-activity202…2-9705-24e586ccecf4.gz:3257% /154.717Ki, 0/s, -
* backup/prod/webEvent/2…5-a39f-a81c17cf0e87.gz:1629% /39.922Ki, 0/s, -
Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.
Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)
Syncing from S3 to DropBox
The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp
~/go/bin/rclone --cache-writes --dropbox-chunk-size 32Mi --low-level-retries 100 --retries 100 --transfers 20 --drive-chunk-size 1048576 --progress --dropbox-batch-mode async sync s3://org-rex-data dropbox://Systems/s3/org-rex-data --tpslimit 5
I have also tried with a batch mode of "sync".
The rclone config contents with secrets removed.
type = s3
provider = AWS
env_auth = true
type = dropbox
token = [...]
A log from the command with the -vv
This will be more difficult as it takes an indeterminate amount of time (hour to 4 hours-ish) and tens of thousands of files before the problem appears.