--track-renames doesn't seem to work with Wasabi S3?

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I've set up an rclone sync between gdrive and Wasabi S3 on an f1.micro instance. I need to rename the files at some point (doesn't matter when, either in transit or after sync), but once I do and run sync again, it deletes the renamed file and re-syncs with the previous name. I need the name to stay the same.

I can't change the filenames at the source since it's a shared drive that I don't own. I need to change the filenames as I'm planning to use this S3 bucket to serve content for a website, and there are # characters in the filenames which doesn't play nice with S3.

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)

rclone v1.52.1
- os/arch: linux/amd64
- go version: go1.14.4

Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)

PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google Drive, Wasabi

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone sync --drive-shared-with-me gdrive:"folder"/"sub-folder" wasabi:bucket/"folder" --track-renames

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

type = s3
provider = Wasabi
access_key_id = xxx
secret_access_key = xxx
endpoint = s3.wasabisys.com
location_constraint = us-east-1
acl = private
type = drive
client_id = xxx
client_secret = xxx
scope = drive
token = {"access_token":"xxx","token_type":"Bearer","refresh_token":"xxx"}
root_folder_id = xxx

A log from the command with the -vv flag

If required please let me know.

hello and welcome to the forum,
i use wasabi and i do not have a problem with filenames having #

2020/06/23 20:22:34 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.52.0" starting with parameters ["rclone.exe" "copy" ".\hash" "bar:hashhashhash" "-vv"]
2020/06/23 20:22:34 DEBUG : S3 bucket hashhashhash: Waiting for transfers to finish
2020/06/23 20:22:35 DEBUG : #######.#####: MD5 = 59fb38dbd2e7c8461be5422a4e12cacb OK
2020/06/23 20:22:35 INFO  : #######.#####: Copied (new)
2020/06/23 20:22:35 INFO  : 
Transferred:            1 / 1, 100%

rclone.exe ls bar:hashhashhash 
        5 #######.#####
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Hey thanks!

That's really weird, maybe it's because I'm on the Wasabi trial (testing out to see if it'll be any good for this purpose), but whenever there's a hash mark in the name of a file, e.g. Filename #test, it gives me this error when I try to view the file by its URL:

<Message>The specified key does not exist.</Message>
<Key>Filename </Key>

The filename is always cut off starting from where the hashmark is :confused:

does the filename get cut off from
where the hashmark is
where the space character is

add -vv to the comamnd for debug output.
you need to run the command with debug info and post both the command and output.

add --dry-run to test without copying.

1 Like

From where the hashmark is, i.e. if the filename is Filename #test, the error message in browser will show <key>Filename </key> with the space before the hash. Verbose output:

rclone sync --drive-shared-with-me gdrive:"folder"/"subfolder" wasabi:bucketname/"folder + name" --track-renames -vv
2020/06/23 23:57:33 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.52.1" starting with parameters ["rclone" "sync" "--drive-shared-with-me" "
gdrive:folder/subfolder" "wasabi:bucketname/folder + name" "--
track-renames" "-vv"]
2020/06/23 23:57:33 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/jonathan_alumbaugh/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2020/06/23 23:57:36 NOTICE: Filename #311.2 - other stuff: Duplicate object found in source - ignoring
2020/06/23 23:57:36 NOTICE: Filename #327.1 - other stuff: Duplicate object found in source - ignoring
2020/06/23 23:57:36 INFO  : S3 bucket bucketname path Filename folder: Making map for --track-renames
2020/06/23 23:57:36 INFO  : S3 bucket bucketname path Filename folder: Finished making map for --track-renames
2020/06/23 23:57:36 DEBUG : S3 bucket bucketname path Filename folder: Waiting for checks to finish
2020/06/23 23:57:36 DEBUG : Filename #0.40 - other stuff.mp4: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0
s, within tolerance 1ms)
2020/06/23 23:57:36 DEBUG : Filename #0.40 - other stuff.mp4: Unchanged skipping
2020/06/23 23:57:36 DEBUG : Filename #0.41 - other stuff.mp4: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, wi
thin tolerance 1ms)
2020/06/23 23:57:36 DEBUG : Filename #0.41 - other stuff.mp4: Unchanged skipping
2020/06/23 23:57:36 DEBUG : Filename #1 - other stuff.mp4: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within t
olerance 1ms)
2020/06/23 23:57:36 DEBUG : Filename #1 - other stuff.mp4: Unchanged skipping
2020/06/23 23:57:36 DEBUG : Filename #10 - other stuff.mp4: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, wit
hin tolerance 1ms)
2020/06/23 23:57:36 DEBUG : Filename #10 - other stuff.mp4: Unchanged skipping
2020/06/23 23:57:36 DEBUG : Filename #100 - other stuff.mp4: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, wit
hin tolerance 1ms)
2020/06/23 23:57:37 DEBUG : Filename #NA3 - other stuff.mp4: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1ms)
2020/06/23 23:57:37 DEBUG : Filename #NA3 - other stuff.mp4: Unchanged skipping
2020/06/23 23:57:37 DEBUG : S3 bucket bucketname path Filename folder: Waiting for renames to finish
2020/06/23 23:57:37 DEBUG : S3 bucket bucketname path Filename folder: Waiting for transfers to finish
2020/06/23 23:57:37 DEBUG : Waiting for deletions to finish
2020/06/23 23:57:37 INFO  : There was nothing to transfer
2020/06/23 23:57:37 INFO  : 
Transferred:             0 / 0 Bytes, -, 0 Bytes/s, ETA -
Checks:               676 / 676, 100%
Elapsed time:         0.5s

2020/06/23 23:57:37 DEBUG : 35 go routines active

i could be wrong but that is weird looking usage of quotes

try quoting the entire remote name
"wasabi:bucketname/folder + name"

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Thanks, using this doesn't seem to make a difference, like if I sync, rename a file, and sync again, it'll undo the change:

rclone sync --drive-shared-with-me "gdrive:folder/subfolder" "wasabi:bucket/folder" --track-renames

Did some more reading, found a thread which clears up my misunderstanding of --track-renames. It doesn't appear that --track-renames is meant to function how I'd previously understood, so I wonder what my options are to preserve changed names between syncs. Should I open a new issue and delete this one, since the title isn't correct?

A new post would probably be best. Try to describe what you would like to do and what you think --track-renames should do in it.

Will do, thank you @ncw and @asdffdsa! My apologies for my confusion.

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