Tool to save, and restore file level metadata

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Do you know any tool to save, and restore file level metadata (creation date, modification date)?
As the metadata storage function in rclone doesn't seem to be implemented soon, im searching other way to preserve metadata, at least in a database, if the remote doesn't supports metadata.


not sure the perfect solution, what about

to save:
rclone lsjson --metadata

to restore:
rclone copy --metadata
Rclone supports --metadata-set and --metadata-mapper

nice, these can be useful! Actually

rclone lsjson --metadata does all for saving, now only a script is needed to run through the saved json, and invoke rclone --metadata-set for each file.

Hashes included also would be nice, and i see its supported, just its slow, and here comes up again, oshash support in rclone would be nice. Created a feature request for it:

ok, good

what value is oshash to rclone, what is the specific use-case?

for example rclone sync between 2 local drives

ok, i understand that.
sorry, still not understanding what the point oshash is, as compared to real hash such as md5?
if i transfer a file and need file verification, i cannot use oshash.

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