Syncing links with --links between locally mounted drives fails due to: readlink, no such file or directory

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

Syncing links with --links between locally mounted drives fails due to: readlink ... no such file or directory.

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

phone:~$ /home/user/rclone-v1.63.0-beta.6937.64cf9ac91-linux-arm64/rclone version
rclone v1.63.0-beta.6937.64cf9ac91
- os/version: alpine 3.17.3 (64 bit)
- os/kernel: 6.1.9 (aarch64)
- os/type: linux
- os/arch: arm64 (ARMv8 compatible)
- go/version: go1.20.2
- go/linking: static
- go/tags: none

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)


The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

/home/user/rclone-v1.63.0-beta.6937.64cf9ac91-linux-arm64/rclone \
 sync \
 / \
 /media/t7/phone-backup/ \
 --filter='- home/user/.local/**' \
 --filter='- home/user/.cache/**' \
 --filter='- home/user/.mozilla/**' \
 --filter='+ home/**' \
 --filter='+ media/sdcard/**' \
 --filter='- *' \
 --modify-window 2s \
 --links \
 --bwlimit 30M \
 --progress \
 -vv \
 --log-file rclone-test.log \
 --check-first \
 --delete-excluded \
 --transfers 4 \
 --create-empty-src-dirs \

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

None. See the above command.

A log from the command with the -vv flag

2023/04/04 11:15:04 INFO  : Starting bandwidth limiter at 30Mi Byte/s
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.63.0-beta.6937.64cf9ac91" starting with parameters ["/home/user/rclone-v1.63.0-beta.6937.64cf9ac91-linux-arm64/rclone" "sync" "/" "/media/t7/phone-backup/" "--filter=- home/user/.local/**" "--filter=- home/user/.cache/**" "--filter=- home/user/.mozilla/**" "--filter=+ home/**" "--filter=+ media/sdcard/**" "--filter=- *" "--modify-window" "2s" "--links" "--bwlimit" "30M" "--progress" "-vv" "--log-file" "rclone-test.log" "--check-first" "--delete-excluded" "--transfers" "4" "--create-empty-src-dirs" "--config=/dev/null"]
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/"
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : Using config file from ""
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : local: detected overridden config - adding "{b6816}" suffix to name
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "/" to be canonical "local{b6816}:/"
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/media/t7/phone-backup/"
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : local: detected overridden config - adding "{b6816}" suffix to name
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "/media/t7/phone-backup/" to be canonical "local{b6816}:/media/t7/phone-backup"
2023/04/04 11:15:04 INFO  : Local file system at /media/t7/phone-backup: Running all checks before starting transfers
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : usr: Excluded
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : lib: Excluded
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : proc: Excluded
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : opt: Excluded
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : sbin: Excluded
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : lost+found: Excluded
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : bin: Excluded
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : tmp: Excluded
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : mnt: Excluded
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : sys: Excluded
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : run: Excluded
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : root: Excluded
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : etc: Excluded
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : boot: Excluded
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : srv: Excluded
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : dev: Excluded
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : var: Excluded
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : media/usb: Excluded
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : media/t7: Excluded
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : media/floppy: Excluded
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : media/cdrom: Excluded
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : home/user/.mozilla: Excluded
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : home/user/.local: Excluded
2023/04/04 11:15:04 DEBUG : home/user/.cache: Excluded
2023/04/04 11:15:10 ERROR : home/user/sdcard.rclonelink: Failed to read link size: readlink /media/t7/phone-backup/home/user/sdcard: no such file or directory
2023/04/04 11:15:10 DEBUG : home/user/sdcard.rclonelink: Modification times differ by -5h0m1.167166878s: 2022-07-28 14:18:23.167166878 -0500 CDT, 2022-07-28 09:18:22 -0500 CDT
2023/04/04 11:15:10 ERROR : home/user/sdcard.rclonelink: Failed to calculate dst hash: hash: failed to open: readlink /media/t7/phone-backup/home/user/sdcard: no such file or directory
2023/04/04 11:15:10 DEBUG : home/user/sdcard.rclonelink: md5 differ
2023/04/04 11:16:36 DEBUG : Local file system at /media/t7/phone-backup: Waiting for checks to finish
2023/04/04 11:16:36 INFO  : Local file system at /media/t7/phone-backup: Checks finished, now starting transfers
2023/04/04 11:16:36 DEBUG : Local file system at /media/t7/phone-backup: Waiting for transfers to finish
2023/04/04 11:16:36 ERROR : home/user/sdcard.rclonelink: Failed to copy: symlink /media/sdcard /media/t7/phone-backup/home/user/sdcard: operation not permitted
2023/04/04 11:16:36 ERROR : Local file system at /media/t7/phone-backup: not deleting files as there were IO errors
2023/04/04 11:16:36 ERROR : Local file system at /media/t7/phone-backup: not deleting directories as there were IO errors
2023/04/04 11:16:36 ERROR : Attempt 1/3 failed ........

NOTE: Cruft regarding other symlinks is removed, as this is happening with all of them, and I wanted to focus on one of them.
Also, nothing else was related in the log.

Some Notes

Also, the following:

phone:~$ ls -al sdcard
lrwxrwxrwx 1 user user 13 Jul 28  2022 sdcard -> /media/sdcard
phone:~$ ls -al /media/t7/phone-backup/home/user/sdcard*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user user 13 Jul 28  2022 /media/t7/phone-backup/home/user/sdcard.rclonelink

Some background:

  • The above is all happening on the same machine. It is just syncing to a mounted external drive for offline backup.
  • However, the sdcard.rclonelink file already exists on the external drive because I used to do this in a different way... I used to have the external drive mounted to a different machine, and I ran rclone sync across the network (sftp).
  • So, this problem does not seem to happen with sftp.
  • It appears to me based on the error message that instead of syncing
    /home/user/sdcard.rclonelink to /media/t7/phone-backup/home/user/sdcard.rclonelink
    it is trying to sync
    /home/user/sdcard.rclonelink to /media/t7/phone-backup/home/user/sdcard
    but only when syncing local<->local

I hope this makes sense!

I manually deleted /media/t7/phone-backup/home/user/sdcard.rclonelink and ran the sync again and got this:

2023/04/04 12:32:27 DEBUG : home/user/sdcard.rclonelink: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination
2023/04/04 12:33:54 ERROR : home/user/sdcard.rclonelink: Failed to copy: symlink /media/sdcard /media/t7/phone-backup/home/user/sdcard: operation not permitted

Note that any files that are not symlinks sync just fine.

Your sdcard is formatted vfat I'd guess and vfat doesn't support symlinks.

That's the cause of this error.

That is what the --links flag does. Remember it applies to the source and the destination.

If you want links to apply to just the source you'd do this I think

rclone copy :local,links:/source /dest

Thanks, @ncw

Maybe I misunderstood. I assumed that, using --link, a real symlink in the source would ALWAYS be translated into a FILE.rclonelink file in the destination (instead of an actual symlink)? This is what occurred when I did the exact same operation local->sftp vs local->local.

The manual says for --links:

Translate symlinks to/from regular files with a '.rclonelink' extension

Its a two way thing.

If you are writing a file to a local file system called file.rclonelink it will get translated into a symlink called file.

That is what the "to/from" bit implies.

Here is an example

$ ls -l src
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ncw ncw 8 Mar 20 12:11 dangling -> not-here

$ rclone -l tree src
└── dangling.rclonelink

0 directories, 1 files

$ rclone -l tree dst

0 directories, 0 files

$ rclone copy -l -v src dst
2023/04/05 10:54:32 INFO  : dangling.rclonelink: Copied (new)
2023/04/05 10:54:32 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	          8 B / 8 B, 100%, 0 B/s, ETA -
Transferred:            1 / 1, 100%
Elapsed time:         0.0s

$ rclone -l tree dst
└── dangling.rclonelink

0 directories, 1 files

$ ls -l dst
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ncw ncw 8 Mar 20 12:11 dangling -> not-here


And here is an example with only setting --links for the source which will copy the .rclonelink file.

$ rm dst/dangling 
$ rclone -l tree dst

0 directories, 0 files
$ rclone copy -v :local,links:src dst
2023/04/05 10:55:38 INFO  : dangling.rclonelink: Copied (new)
2023/04/05 10:55:38 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	          8 B / 8 B, 100%, 0 B/s, ETA -
Transferred:            1 / 1, 100%
Elapsed time:         0.0s

$ rclone tree dst
└── dangling.rclonelink

0 directories, 1 files

$ ls -l dst
total 4
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ncw ncw 8 Mar 20 12:11 dangling.rclonelink

$ cat dst/dangling.rclonelink 

Hopefully that makes more sense!

Oh, I see! Yes, perfectly! I must say that it isn't clear in the docs that "local" always gets a real symlink, though.


So, if this is the "backup":

$ rclone copy -v :local,links:src dst

What is the "restore"? This?

$ rclone copy -v dst :local,links:src

Yes, that's right.

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