Syncing encrypted team drive to another team drive

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

Not 100% sure if it's a problem, just wondering if I'm doing this the correct way... So I have 2 google team drives, TD1 & TD2. My thought process would be to encrypt files to TD1 and basically make an exact copy of those encrypted files to TD2.

Running rclone 1.55.1 on an unraid server.

1: Currently I am encrypting & uploading all data to TD1:

rclone sync -v --drive-stop-on-upload-limit --bwlimit 8650k /mnt/user/Backups "GC1E Backups:"

2: I server-side sync TD1 with TD2 using 4 service accounts:

rclone sync -P --stats-one-line --transfers=15 --fast-list --max-transfer 745G --drive-stop-on-upload-limit --drive-service-account-file /mnt/user/appdata/rclone/SA001.json "GC Backup 1": "GC Backup 2": --drive-server-side-across-configs
echo "SA001 finished."
rclone sync -P --stats-one-line --transfers=15 --fast-list --max-transfer 745G --drive-stop-on-upload-limit --drive-service-account-file /mnt/user/appdata/rclone/SA002.json "GC Backup 1": "GC Backup 2": --drive-server-side-across-configs
echo "SA002 finished."
rclone sync -P --stats-one-line --transfers=15 --fast-list --max-transfer 745G --drive-stop-on-upload-limit --drive-service-account-file /mnt/user/appdata/rclone/SA003.json "GC Backup 1": "GC Backup 2": --drive-server-side-across-configs
echo "SA003 finished."
rclone sync -P --stats-one-line --transfers=15 --fast-list --max-transfer 745G --drive-stop-on-upload-limit --drive-service-account-file /mnt/user/appdata/rclone/SA004.json "GC Backup 1": "GC Backup 2": --drive-server-side-across-configs
echo "SA004 finished."

If you are sharing the same encryption keys between the two, you can just direct copy like you have.

The sync from TD1 to TD2 isn't being encrypted, I'm straight up copying the already encrypted files to TD2

With a rclone.conf, it's easier to explicitly answer your question.

My point is the same though as I shared, if you want to copy from one remote to another you can do that as you stated via server side.

If you keep the same encryption passwords/salt, you can still do it server side.

If you change the keys/passwords, you have to reupload it as rclone does the encryption.

I suppose I didn't delete enough...

[GC Backup 1]
type = drive
client_id =
client_secret = SECRET
scope = drive
token = {"access_token":"ACCESSTOKEN","token_type":"Bearer","refresh_token":"1//03PrAy_7vHU12CgYIARAAGAMSNgF-L9IrqT9Si50HsZfBo35zsWZS5P5QIo8diMNBkn_M0awmxP5qICt0AsNXlmT_LGGcaJDcJQ","expiry":"2021-06-03T13:17:59.211980068+02:00"}
team_drive = ID1
root_folder_id = 

[GC Backup 2]
type = drive
client_id =
client_secret = SECRET
scope = drive
token = {"access_token":"ACCESSTOKEN","token_type":"Bearer","refresh_token":"1//03w1WT42SYsLgCgYIARAAGAMSNgF-L9Ir1pGcADLniM92-dZSGNqaaC-wjQgvFGVGOqRw2SE2RNzDhWf0gKWy7Q27T5_A7N1_fQ","expiry":"2021-06-03T18:43:03.258978864+02:00"}
team_drive = ID2
root_folder_id = 

[GC1E Nextcloud]
type = crypt
remote = GC Backup 1:Unraid Server/Nextcloud/Tristan
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = True
password = PASSWORD X
password2 = PASSWORD Y

[GC1E Backups]
type = crypt
remote = GC Backup 1:Unraid Server/Backups
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = True
password = PASSWORD X
password2 = PASSWORD Y

[GC1E Plex]
type = crypt
remote = GC Backup 1:Unraid Server/Plex/Config
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = True
password = PASSWORD X
password2 = PASSWORD Y

[GC1E Movies]
type = crypt
remote = GC Backup 1:Unraid Server/Plex/Movies
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = True
password = PASSWORD X
password2 = PASSWORD Y

[GC1E Series]
type = crypt
remote = GC Backup 1:Unraid Server/Plex/Series
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = True
password = PASSWORD X
password2 = PASSWORD Y

[GC1E Music]
type = crypt
remote = GC Backup 1:Unraid Server/Plex/Music
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = True
password = PASSWORD X
password2 = PASSWORD Y

let's say you want to copy the crypt GC1E Backups: to GC Backup 2:

  1. rclone sync "GC Backup 1:Unraid Server/Backups" "GC Backup 2:Unraid Server/Backups" -P --stats-one-line --transfers=15 --fast-list --max-transfer 745G --drive-stop-on-upload-limit --drive-service-account-file /mnt/user/appdata/rclone/SA001.json

  2. create a new remote to access the new crypt using the exact same settings as GC1E Backups:.
    only change the remote = setting

[GC2E Backups]
type = crypt
remote = GC Backup 2:Unraid Server/Backups
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = True
password = PASSWORD X
password2 = PASSWORD Y

I might be wrong but you're never referencing the 'GC2E Backups' config?

that is correct, as you are syncing the crypted files.

after the sync is done,
and you created the new entry [GC2E Backups] in the config file,
you can access the files in their de-crypted state using
rclone ls "GC2E Backups:"

I see, so my original thinking process and setup was pretty much correct?

syncing the whole encrypted TD1 over to TD2...

yes, that is correct.
this can be easily tested.

  1. start the sync, let a few files get copied, kill the sync command.
  2. add GC2E Backups to the config file.
  3. do rclone ls "GC2E Backups:"

Awesome! Thank you guys!

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