New rclone user. poured hours into trying to solve sync of one file the personal OneDrive. I run the command "rclone sync -i /home/john/Python_01/TempHumid piOneDrive". It appears to work (yah), but nothing shows up in OneDrive. The file does land in the local file system as mentioned in the verbose log ouput. I've tried config recreate and flooded my head from the documentation - banging my head on the wall.. please help me
I agree, it is very much a question of striking the right balance and having a simple rule.
How about something like:
If (strings.TrimSpace of) source/destination path matches a remote with that name in the config then
NOTIFY: "piOneDrive" refers to a local folder, use "piOneDrive:" to refer to your remote or "./piOneDrive" to hide this warning.
This eliminates the need for the second rule, which in reality would mean that the message only would be displayed once - unless we break backwards compatibility. I guess users in trouble may sometimes need several attempts to realize the mistake.
The check should also be performed when specifying remotes during configuration edit and configuration create/update. I have seen several forum issues where a missing : in an alias, crypt or union was the reason.
I assume leading/trailing spaces, : and / are illegal in remote names, otherwise we may need to think more carefully.
I guess it could go in cache.Get but that will affect API and internal use.
That is actually an argument for putting it in cache.Get as that is what crypt will call with the remote.
I've done that (actually I put it in fs.NewFs which is what cache.Get calls to create a new backend from scratch) - can you give this a go and see what you think? I used your error message wording - thank you
I have read the code and tested some common and uncommon situations. All looks good and I really like the place you selected to trigger the warning, it works well
It is really pedantic and may not be worth changing, but I would move "DEBUG: Creating backend" above "NOTICE: yourRemote refers to a local folder" to make the debug log slightly more intuitive (in my eyes). Your call!
Just in case you don't know: There seems to be no betas for Windows or Linux (WSL/Ubuntu). Luckily I have learned how to quickly go build it myself
Thanks again!
@JonZeee We kind of hijacked your thread, hope you like the solution too.