Sync/move and sync/copy behaviour

Hi, we tested for large file which is of 5.35 gb and smaller files which is 4kb. files are present at source folder.
below behavior we observed:

sync/move -> smaller as well as larger files it is working fine, its moving the files to expected folder and in response from rclone we are getting job_id.

sync/copy -> larger files are not copying to destination folder, but smaller files are copying to the expected folder and in response from rclone we are getting job_id.

below is the request structure:

"srcFs": "demo:/data/Src1/",
"srcRemote": "/data/Src1/",
"dstFs": "demo:/data/Dst1/",
"dstRemote": "/data/Dst1/",
"_async": true,
"_filter": {
"IncludeRule": [

is it the expected behavior for sync/copy or is there any other way to copy the large files ?

Nope. It is not expected behaviour. Does not matter small or large files - all should behave the same.

So clearly something is wrong.

If you need help provide all info as per help and support template.

Thanks for the response kapitainsky.

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