Sync files with public link share on nextcloud does not work

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I'm trying to follow this how to guide : Sync files with public link share on nextcloud.
so I have a public share link

But I can't sync the way as it is shown in the how to.

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

rclone v1.63.1
- os/version: ubuntu 20.04 (64 bit)
- os/kernel: (x86_64)
- os/type: linux
- os/arch: amd64
- go/version: go1.20.6
- go/linking: static
- go/tags: none

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)


The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone sync --webdav-url= --webdav-user=7bqWt4fWXbwkzKz --webdav-vendor=nextcloud :webdav: . -n
2023/08/15 17:15:21 Failed to create file system for ":webdav:": the remote url looks incorrect. Note that nextcloud chunked uploads require you to use the /dav/files/USER endpoint instead of /webdav. Please check 'rclone config show remotename' to verify that the url field ends in /dav/files/USERNAME

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

A log from the command with the -vv flag

2023/08/16 08:51:45 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.63.1" starting with parameters ["./rclone" "sync" "--webdav-url=" "--webdav-user=6bqWt4fWXbwkzKa" "--webdav-vendor=nextcloud" ":webdav:" "." "-n" "-vv"]
2023/08/16 08:51:45 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote ":webdav:"
2023/08/16 08:51:45 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/marcel/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2023/08/16 08:51:45 DEBUG : :webdav: detected overridden config - adding "{8wGJI}" suffix to name
2023/08/16 08:51:45 DEBUG : found headers:
2023/08/16 08:51:45 Failed to create file system for ":webdav:": the remote url looks incorrect. Note that nextcloud chunked uploads require you to use the /dav/files/USER endpoint instead of /webdav. Please check 'rclone config show remotename' to verify that the url field ends in /dav/files/USERNAME

Any help would be much appreciated.

Did you try switching out the URL per the recommendation there?

I did then I get
Attempt 3/3 failed with 1 errors and: directory not found

I followed the how to - that is the URL like it is in the howto - and also like it is documented in the nextcloud manual (see the link in the how to).
I'm also able to mount it as a drive in windows using this URL and the user.

Ok now I checked the release notes -
in 1.63.0
nextcloud: Add support for chunked uploads
and 1.63.1
Nextcloud: fix must use /dav/files/USER endpoint not /webdav error

So I tried with 1.62.2 - and it worked !


It's fixed in the latest beta if you want to try that.

Found the issue related to it:

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