Stuck in rate limit and retry loop in Google Drive for large(er) files

Update: With chunk size set to 256, I could upload a file sized 2.7GB.

So far this has been working.

Edit, this still kept failing for the original file of size 3.19 GB.

I was able to solve that by using

  --drive-chunk-size=512M  \                                                                                                               
  --drive-pacer-burst=195  \                                                                                                               
  --drive-pacer-min-sleep=20000ms  \   

After just --drive-chunk-size=512M did not work.

My plan is to see if it causes any problems for download speeds. If not, I will just keep it as it is.

Else, I will wait for a week with this config to let Google Drive rate limiting to calm down.