Strm File Backend

I'm a software engineer, but I've never used Go before. My experience is with Node/JavaScript. I'd like to create a new remote, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how while also trying to figure out Go...

Here's the basic idea:

• A backend that maps/wraps another backend
• You can configure a filter for files/folders that will be affected (like *.mkv, .mp4, some-path/, etc.)
• Filtered files/folders will be replaced with a text file (with a configurable filename, like *.strm, *.m3u, *.csv, etc.)
• The content of this file is a URL, path, etc. to the file in the target remote (with a configurable prefix, like https://..., ftp://..., \..., etc.)
• Files not matched by the filter are passed off to the target remote, like the union backend

The use case:

I have a Cloudflare Worker that can serve up my media from Google Drive a lot faster than an rclone mount on a seedbox located on another continent. Clients can Direct Play a video straight from the Cloudflare Worker.

What would it take to build something like this? Is this even remotely doable for someone who doesn't even know Go? Would anyone be interested and/or willing to work together on it? Is it even something that would make sense to add to rclone? I could see it also being used to generate an M3U playlist for a folder of media files, or create an html or md index of files...

hello and welcome to the forum,

if your goal is to create some html pages, then just script it in whatever language you want.

  1. create a rclone mount for the gdrive remote
  2. use your favorite tool to access that local mount folder to create the html files.

Then the script would have to keep track of new/deleted/renamed files, and act accordingly, and only on a schedule.

and so would whatever remote you would create in go language.

Wouldn't it only have to do it when the file/directory is accessed? Listing the directory, for example?

Is there a way to filter file patterns from a union mount? Cause I'd have to do that too.

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