Strange error with ProFTPd: "* EOF"

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I am trying to copy files to a ProFTPd server with TLS, and I'm getting "* EOF" errors for all files. After the command is run, I end up with mostly empty directories (some contain a few files of zero size) on the server.

I cannot test without TLS, as the server is configured to reject plain connections.

(A side question, since with every FTP server change, I have huge problems making rclone work. Would it be possible to somehow use FileZilla or WinSCP as a proxy/frontend by rclone? They seem to always work fine.)

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

rclone v1.62.2

  • os/version: Microsoft Windows 10 Home 22H2 (64 bit)
  • os/kernel: 10.0.19045.2965 Build 19045.2965.2965 (x86_64)
  • os/type: windows
  • os/arch: amd64
  • go/version: go1.20.2
  • go/linking: static
  • go/tags: cmount

I also tried the latest beta version with the same result:

rclone v1.63.0-beta.7054.51a468b2b

  • os/version: Microsoft Windows 10 Home 22H2 (64 bit)
  • os/kernel: 10.0.19045.2965 (x86_64)
  • os/type: windows
  • os/arch: amd64
  • go/version: go1.20.4
  • go/linking: static
  • go/tags: cmount

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)


The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

I'm starting it from a PowerShell script, so I can't give the exact parameter values, but you will be able to see them in the debug output below.

$cmd = "$rclone_exe copy ""$($sourceset[0])"" ""${target_conf}:$($subdirset[0])/current"" --backup-dir=""${target_conf}:$($subdirset[0])/old_$dt"" --config=$config_file --password-command=""$password_cmd"" --filter-from=$filter_file --ftp-concurrency=1 --transfers=1 --bwlimit=${thrup}:${thrdown} --retries-sleep=10s --retries=1 $debug_str 2>&1 | % ToString | Tee-Object -FilePath D:\BackupScript\rclone\Last-run.txt" 
Invoke-Expression $cmd

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

type = ftp
host = (removed)
user = kazik1
port = (removed)
pass = (removed)
explicit_tls = true
disable_mfmt = false
disable_tls13 = true
encoding = Slash,Asterisk,Ctl,Dot
concurrency = 3
tls_cache_size = 64

type = crypt
remote = enklawa:Lapasus
directory_name_encryption = false
password = (removed)

A log from the command with the -vv flag

The full log is very log, so I will just snip the relevant parts

2023/06/03 10:33:13 INFO  : Starting bandwidth limiter at 5Mi:50Mi Byte/s
2023/06/03 10:33:13 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.63.0-beta.7054.51a468b2b" starting with parameters ["C:\\pprog\\Dysk\\rclone_beta\\rclone.exe" "copy" "D:\\" "enklawa_crypt:/d_moje/current" "--backup-dir=enklawa_crypt:/d_moje/old_2023-06-03_10-33" "--config=D:\\BackupScript\\rclone\\rclone.modtime.config" "--password-command=powershell -NoProfile -File D:\\BackupScript\\rclone\\rclone_pass.ps1" "--filter-from=D:\\BackupScript\\rclone\\rclone_filter.txt" "--ftp-concurrency=1" "--transfers=1" "--bwlimit=5M:50M" "--retries-sleep=10s" "--retries=1" "-vv"]
2023/06/03 10:33:13 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "D:\\"
2023/06/03 10:33:13 DEBUG : Using config file from "D:\\BackupScript\\rclone\\rclone.modtime.config"
2023/06/03 10:33:13 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "D:\\" to be canonical "//?/D:/"
2023/06/03 10:33:13 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "enklawa_crypt:/d_moje/current"
2023/06/03 10:33:13 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "enklawa:Lapasus/d_moje/0rqboq96f6166id3mtqusk8qdk"
2023/06/03 10:33:13 DEBUG : enklawa: detected overridden config - adding "{klVtY}" suffix to name
2023/06/03 10:33:13 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/0rqboq96f6166id3mtqusk8qdk: Connecting to FTP server
2023/06/03 10:33:13 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/0rqboq96f6166id3mtqusk8qdk: dial("tcp","(removed):(removed)")
2023/06/03 10:33:13 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/0rqboq96f6166id3mtqusk8qdk: > dial: conn=*fshttp.timeoutConn, err=<nil>
2023/06/03 10:33:14 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "enklawa:Lapasus/d_moje/0rqboq96f6166id3mtqusk8qdk" to be canonical "enklawa,concurrency='1':Lapasus/d_moje/0rqboq96f6166id3mtqusk8qdk"
2023/06/03 10:33:14 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "enklawa:Lapasus/d_moje/current"
2023/06/03 10:33:14 DEBUG : enklawa: detected overridden config - adding "{klVtY}" suffix to name
2023/06/03 10:33:14 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/current: Connecting to FTP server
2023/06/03 10:33:14 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/current: dial("tcp","(removed):(removed)")
2023/06/03 10:33:14 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/current: > dial: conn=*fshttp.timeoutConn, err=<nil>
2023/06/03 10:33:15 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "enklawa:Lapasus/d_moje/current" to be canonical "enklawa,concurrency='1':Lapasus/d_moje/current"
2023/06/03 10:33:15 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "enklawa_crypt:/d_moje/old_2023-06-03_10-33"
2023/06/03 10:33:15 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "enklawa:Lapasus/d_moje/bdqb6ed28isgrv84cstjgj5m5qq7vvsnsa6icrq6rhs60tn685jg"
2023/06/03 10:33:15 DEBUG : enklawa: detected overridden config - adding "{klVtY}" suffix to name
2023/06/03 10:33:15 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/bdqb6ed28isgrv84cstjgj5m5qq7vvsnsa6icrq6rhs60tn685jg: Connecting to FTP server
2023/06/03 10:33:15 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/bdqb6ed28isgrv84cstjgj5m5qq7vvsnsa6icrq6rhs60tn685jg: dial("tcp","(removed):(removed)")
2023/06/03 10:33:15 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/bdqb6ed28isgrv84cstjgj5m5qq7vvsnsa6icrq6rhs60tn685jg: > dial: conn=*fshttp.timeoutConn, err=<nil>
2023/06/03 10:33:15 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "enklawa:Lapasus/d_moje/bdqb6ed28isgrv84cstjgj5m5qq7vvsnsa6icrq6rhs60tn685jg" to be canonical "enklawa,concurrency='1':Lapasus/d_moje/bdqb6ed28isgrv84cstjgj5m5qq7vvsnsa6icrq6rhs60tn685jg"
2023/06/03 10:33:15 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "enklawa:Lapasus/d_moje/old_2023-06-03_10-33"
2023/06/03 10:33:15 DEBUG : enklawa: detected overridden config - adding "{klVtY}" suffix to name
2023/06/03 10:33:15 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/old_2023-06-03_10-33: Connecting to FTP server
2023/06/03 10:33:15 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/old_2023-06-03_10-33: dial("tcp","(removed):(removed)")
2023/06/03 10:33:15 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/old_2023-06-03_10-33: > dial: conn=*fshttp.timeoutConn, err=<nil>
2023/06/03 10:33:16 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "enklawa:Lapasus/d_moje/old_2023-06-03_10-33" to be canonical "enklawa,concurrency='1':Lapasus/d_moje/old_2023-06-03_10-33"
2023/06/03 10:33:16 DEBUG : $RECYCLE.BIN: Excluded
2023/06/03 10:33:16 DEBUG : System Volume Information: Excluded
2023/06/03 10:33:16 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/current: dial("tcp","(removed):6696")
2023/06/03 10:33:16 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/current: > dial: conn=*tls.Conn, err=<nil>
2023/06/03 10:33:16 DEBUG : test2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination
2023/06/03 10:33:16 DEBUG : za┼╝├│┼é─ç g─Ö┼øl─à ja┼║┼ä__.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination
2023/06/03 10:33:16 DEBUG : Schematy/DESCRIPTION: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination
2023/06/03 10:33:16 DEBUG : Schematy/Thumbs.db: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination
2023/06/03 10:33:16 DEBUG : Projekty-Stare/Etykiety.svg: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination
2023/06/03 10:33:16 DEBUG : EA/CubeIDEWorkspaces: Excluded
2023/06/03 10:33:16 DEBUG : Stronka/Header-location musi mie─ç pe┼én─à ┼øcie┼╝k─Ö.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination
2023/06/03 10:33:20 DEBUG : Projekty/TrueStudioWorkspaces/SDLogger/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.intro: Excluded
2023/06/03 10:33:20 DEBUG : Projekty/TrueStudioWorkspaces/SDLogger/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench: Excluded
2023/06/03 10:33:20 DEBUG : Projekty/TrueStudioWorkspaces/SDLogger/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor: Excluded
2023/06/03 10:33:20 DEBUG : Projekty/MartinoEscapeRoom/Czujniki/soft/IRSen_1/Debug/IRSen_1.elf: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination
2023/06/03 10:33:21 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/current: Connecting to FTP server
2023/06/03 10:33:21 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/current: dial("tcp","(removed):(removed)")
2023/06/03 10:33:21 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/current: > dial: conn=*fshttp.timeoutConn, err=<nil>
2023/06/03 10:33:22 DEBUG : Schematy/2nkp28gptuj02v5tg96ascdhhk: Removed after failed upload: 2 errors occurred:
	* EOF
	* EOF
2023/06/03 10:33:22 ERROR : Schematy/DESCRIPTION: Failed to copy: update stor: 2 errors occurred:
	* EOF
	* EOF
2023/06/03 10:33:22 DEBUG : EA/Projekty/GS_GM_switch/FS203SP_2sfp_3e_poe/v1/FS203SP_1.PRJPCBVariants: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination
2023/06/03 10:33:22 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/current: dial("tcp","(removed):6698")
2023/06/03 10:33:22 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/current: > dial: conn=*tls.Conn, err=<nil>
2023/06/03 10:33:23 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/current: Connecting to FTP server
2023/06/03 10:33:23 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/current: dial("tcp","(removed):(removed)")
2023/06/03 10:33:23 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/current: > dial: conn=*fshttp.timeoutConn, err=<nil>
2023/06/03 10:33:23 DEBUG : Schematy/lnpio3aomg34422r02hhkjqa4g: Removed after failed upload: 2 errors occurred:
	* EOF
	* EOF
2023/06/03 10:33:23 ERROR : Schematy/Thumbs.db: Failed to copy: update stor: 2 errors occurred:
	* EOF
	* EOF

A log from the command with the -vv and --dump bodies flags

Only snipped the output around one of the errors. I can provide startup output too, or the full log, if necessary.

2023/06/03 10:55:12 DEBUG : Projekty-Stare/AVRBreakout/aukcje/LD1117AV33.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination
2023/06/03 10:55:12 DEBUG : FTP Tx: "MLST Lapasus/d_moje/current/Instrukcje"
2023/06/03 10:55:12 DEBUG : FTP Rx: "550 'Lapasus/d_moje/current/Instrukcje' cannot be listed"
2023/06/03 10:55:12 DEBUG : FTP Tx: "NOOP"
2023/06/03 10:55:12 DEBUG : FTP Rx: "200 NOOP command successful"
2023/06/03 10:55:12 DEBUG : FTP Tx: "MLST Lapasus/d_moje/current"
2023/06/03 10:55:12 DEBUG : FTP Rx: "250-Start of list for Lapasus/d_moje/current"
2023/06/03 10:55:12 DEBUG : FTP Rx: " modify=20230603085508;perm=flcdmpe;type=dir;unique=35U9010000A3ADB94C;;UNIX.groupname=users;UNIX.mode=0755;UNIX.owner=1002;UNIX.ownername=kazik1; /Lapasus/d_moje/current"
2023/06/03 10:55:12 DEBUG : FTP Rx: "250 End of list"
2023/06/03 10:55:12 DEBUG : FTP Tx: "MKD Lapasus/d_moje/current/Instrukcje"
2023/06/03 10:55:12 DEBUG : FTP Rx: "257 \"/Lapasus/d_moje/current/Instrukcje\" - Directory successfully created"
2023/06/03 10:55:12 DEBUG : FTP Tx: "EPSV"
2023/06/03 10:55:12 DEBUG : FTP Rx: "229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||6695|)"
2023/06/03 10:55:12 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/current: dial("tcp","(removed):6695")
2023/06/03 10:55:12 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/current: > dial: conn=*tls.Conn, err=<nil>
2023/06/03 10:55:12 DEBUG : FTP Tx: "STOR Lapasus/d_moje/current/Instrukcje/ale553hqh0f24dbtirlra7913o4r0kl21qe9i6onqrag6tdg3d80"
2023/06/03 10:55:12 DEBUG : FTP Rx: "150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Lapasus/d_moje/current/Instrukcje/ale553hqh0f24dbtirlra7913o4r0kl21qe9i6onqrag6tdg3d80"
2023/06/03 10:55:12 DEBUG : FTP Tx: "QUIT"
2023/06/03 10:55:13 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/current: Connecting to FTP server
2023/06/03 10:55:13 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/current: dial("tcp","(removed):(removed)")
2023/06/03 10:55:13 DEBUG : ftp://(removed):(removed)/Lapasus/d_moje/current: > dial: conn=*fshttp.timeoutConn, err=<nil>
2023/06/03 10:55:13 DEBUG : FTP Rx: "220 ProFTPD Server (ProFTPd) [(removed)]"
2023/06/03 10:55:13 DEBUG : FTP Tx: "AUTH TLS"
2023/06/03 10:55:13 DEBUG : FTP Rx: "234 AUTH TLS successful"
2023/06/03 10:55:13 DEBUG : FTP Tx: "USER kazik1"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: "331 Password required for kazik1"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Tx: PASS *****
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: "230 User kazik1 logged in"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Tx: "FEAT"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: "211-Features:"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: " AUTH TLS"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: " CCC"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: " CLNT"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: " EPRT"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: " EPSV"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: " HOST"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: " LANG en-US*"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: " MDTM"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: " MFF modify;;UNIX.mode;"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: " MFMT"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: " MLST modify*;perm*;size*;type*;unique*;*;UNIX.groupname*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner*;UNIX.ownername*;"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: " PBSZ"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: " PROT"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: " RANG STREAM"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: " REST STREAM"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: " SIZE"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: " SSCN"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: " TVFS"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: " UTF8"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: "211 End"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Tx: "TYPE I"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: "200 Type set to I"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Tx: "OPTS UTF8 ON"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: "200 UTF8 set to on"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Tx: "PBSZ 0"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: "200 PBSZ 0 successful"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Tx: "PROT P"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: "200 Protection set to Private"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Tx: "MLST Lapasus/d_moje/current/Instrukcje/ale553hqh0f24dbtirlra7913o4r0kl21qe9i6onqrag6tdg3d80"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: "250-Start of list for Lapasus/d_moje/current/Instrukcje/ale553hqh0f24dbtirlra7913o4r0kl21qe9i6onqrag6tdg3d80"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: " modify=20230603085513;perm=adfrw;size=0;type=file;unique=35U9010000A45B3638;;UNIX.groupname=users;UNIX.mode=0644;UNIX.owner=1002;UNIX.ownername=kazik1; /Lapasus/d_moje/current/Instrukcje/ale553hqh0f24dbtirlra7913o4r0kl21qe9i6onqrag6tdg3d80"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: "250 End of list"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Tx: "DELE Lapasus/d_moje/current/Instrukcje/ale553hqh0f24dbtirlra7913o4r0kl21qe9i6onqrag6tdg3d80"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : FTP Rx: "250 DELE command successful"
2023/06/03 10:55:14 DEBUG : Instrukcje/ale553hqh0f24dbtirlra7913o4r0kl21qe9i6onqrag6tdg3d80: Removed after failed upload: 2 errors occurred:
	* EOF
	* EOF
2023/06/03 10:55:14 ERROR : Instrukcje/121GW-Manual-v12-proto.pdf: Failed to copy: update stor: 2 errors occurred:
	* EOF
	* EOF

Even though I do not have an answer for your exact rclone issue I think that maybe general solution would be to proxy such ftp connection over stunnel? It would remove rclone TLS handling (which is probably where problem is) from the equation.

1 Like

Interesting, but stunnel does not seem to support FTP.

FTP over stunnel does not work
Stunnel cannot be used for the FTP daemon because of the nature of the FTP protocol which utilizes multiple ports for data transfers. There are SSL aware FTP servers available.

Yes it would require fixing ports which might be or not possible for your ftp server. It is only an idea because I used stunnel many times for similar situations.

It looks like the control channel is working but the data ones aren't. This might be some firewalling problem. Rclone will use passive mode which means it will be connecting back to the server on a whole set of random ports.

It might be worth giving the beta a try too.

1 Like

But FileZilla works fine in passive mode with this server. How could that be?

I already tried the beta, and no change.

Also I managed to contact the server's owner, and they disabled the TLS requirement for me. Without TLS everything works fine. I would like to use TLS however, for more security.

I made rclone working before with another server in the same location, but they were using vsftpd back then. Recently they upgraded the machine and switched to proftpd (working in docker). So this would seem like proftpd issue if not for the fact that FileZilla works fine.

EDIT: Another strange thing: without TLS the files are transferred fine, but with each progress report I'm getting this line:


FileZilla is not written in go and uses different ftp library....

Interestingly in go ftp module used by rclone there is similar issue listed.

That's probably the same bug. I need access to a proftpd server with TLS to verify. I wonder if I can get the docker version to generate a self signed certificate...

1 Like

I could arrange an account for you on the server I'm using.

I couldn't get any EOF errors using your config and your server :frowning: I tried rclone v1.62 and the beta with 0-10MB files.

Any hints? What size of files are you having trouble with?

That is really strange. I just tried from another location and to a separate account, and with files under 10M, and I'm still getting the error. Did you use the command line identical to mine, or a modified one? Perhaps one of the options does it?

I will prepare a package with script, config and a file to upload for you to try, to make sure we are doing exactly the same thing.

Here is the little script I've been using for testing based on your config and your log file.

set -ve
rm -rf /tmp/filez
rclone test makefiles --seed 0 --files 100 --max-file-size 10M /tmp/filez
now=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M)
rclone --ftp-no-check-certificate copy /tmp/filez proftpd_crypt:/d_moje/current --backup-dir=proftpd_crypt:/d_moje/old_${now} --ftp-concurrency=1 --transfers=1 --bwlimit=5M:50M --retries-sleep=10s --retries=1 -vv 2>&1 | tee proftpd.${now}.log

Note I've been testing this on Linux not Windows.

Note that I need --ftp-no-check-certificate otherwise I get this error which I don't know what it means exactly.

tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate relies on legacy Common Name field, use SANs instead
1 Like

I checked under Linux, as per your example, and it worked for me too. Then I added --ftp-no-check-certificate to the Windows version and it helped too - it now uploads files without a problem.

It looks like the problem is in the certificate, or the checking procedure, because I'm not getting this message on Windows.

I will ask the server's owner to fix the certificate, and we will see if it helps.

Ah certificates, the bane of all our lives! I'm not 100% sure exactly what that error means as I don't know what a SAN is but there is some good advice on this stack overflow thread.

Thank you for the help. We managed to fix the certificate, and it now works fine under Linux and Windows. However, I started to have another strange issue (random timeouts after which rclone refuses to work, that don't happen with --dump=bodies option), but I suppose it's a different matter, and I will open a separate request for it.

Anyway, it's strange that the Linux version was showing proper error message, while in Windows the cryptic * EOF errors were occurring. I guess its related to the GO's TLS handling, and not the rclone's fault, right?

A new topic would be great - thanks

Yes it is probably the GO TLS handling. I think rclone delegates the cert handling to the OS on Windows so that may explain the difference.

Turned out to be an issue with the server ports. No more problems with rclone at this time :slight_smile:

1 Like

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