SSH_FX_FAILURE for normal usage

What is the problem you are having with rclone?


After upgrading to v1.59.1 through brew on Mac M1, i cannot seem to be able to use rclone.
Any operation will abort with the error log pasted below.
Is this a problem of version or is there anything for me to fix?
sorry not to be more precise but the error log is quite vague & seems to be pointing to a wide array of different root causes when i browse this forum...

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

MacOS: 12.5.1
Chip: Apple M1

I use rclone through homebrew (v3.5.10)

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Own VPS with Jellyfin - I am logging to VPS through SSH

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

 rclone copy '/Volumes/volume_name/Videos/categ_xxx/grouping_yyyy/Season 1' 'own server':'/home/xxxxx/jellyfin/media/categ_xxx/grouping_yyyy/Season 1' --log-file /Users/xxxx/Desktop/mylogfile.txt --log-level INFO

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

[own server]
type = sftp
host = aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
user = xxxxxx
port = abcd
pass = the dutchie on the left hand side
md5sum_command = md5sum
sha1sum_command = sha1sum
shell_type = unix

A log from the command with the -vv flag

2022/09/05 09:55:03 Failed to copy with 7 errors: last error was: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:47 ERROR : file1.mkv: Failed to copy: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:47 ERROR : file2.mkv: Failed to copy: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:48 ERROR : file3.mkv: Failed to copy: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:48 ERROR : file4.mkv: Failed to copy: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:48 ERROR : file5.mkv: Failed to copy: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:48 ERROR : file6.mkv: Failed to copy: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:49 ERROR : file7.mkv: Failed to copy: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:49 ERROR : Attempt 1/3 failed with 7 errors and: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:52 ERROR : file1.mkv: Failed to copy: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:52 ERROR : file2.mkv: Failed to copy: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:52 ERROR : file3.mkv: Failed to copy: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:53 ERROR : file4.mkv: Failed to copy: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:53 ERROR : file5.mkv: Failed to copy: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:54 ERROR : file6.mkv: Failed to copy: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:54 ERROR : file7.mkv: Failed to copy: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:54 ERROR : Attempt 2/3 failed with 7 errors and: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:55 ERROR : file1.mkv: Failed to copy: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:56 ERROR : file2.mkv: Failed to copy: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:56 ERROR : file3.mkv: Failed to copy: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:56 ERROR : file4.mkv: Failed to copy: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:57 ERROR : file5.mkv: Failed to copy: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:57 ERROR : file6.mkv: Failed to copy: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:57 ERROR : file7.mkv: Failed to copy: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:57 ERROR : Attempt 3/3 failed with 7 errors and: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2022/09/05 09:56:57 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	   16.324 MiB / 16.324 MiB, 100%, 1.360 MiB/s, ETA 0s
Errors:                 7 (retrying may help)
Checks:                12 / 12, 100%
Elapsed time:        13.8s

2022/09/05 09:56:57 Failed to copy with 7 errors: last error was: Update ReadFrom failed: sftp: "Failure" (SSH_FX_FAILURE)

Hi, welcome to the forum.

The SSH_FX_FAILURE message is a very generic error from an SFTP server. If you can post verbose log, by appending -vv to your command, hopefully it contains some more clues.

Unfortunately there is no more in the -vv version apart from some more lines on creating connections to the remote host.
I think it does come from the remote host rather than rclone itself though and will dig deeper in that direction.

I would try troubleshooting something like this:

rclone lsd 'own server': -vv
rclone touch 'own server':testfile -vv
rclone lsd 'own server':/ -vv
rclone touch 'own server':/testfile -vv
rclone lsd 'own server':'/home/xxxxx/' -vv
rclone touch 'own server':'/home/xxxxx/testfile' -vv
rclone lsd 'own server':'home/xxxxx/' -vv
rclone touch 'own server':'home/xxxxx/testfile' -vv
# Note the differences in the starting /

if none of the touch commands succeeds, then I would test the server with native SFTP commands. That is something like this:

sftp -P abcd xxxxxxxx@aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
> pwd
> cd /home/xxxxx
> put testfile

Thanks @albertony & @Ole for the support. The issue was that the remote VM blocked upload as it read i had no space left to write...
all sorted now

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