Space problem OneDrive

Hi everyone, can you help me?
I can't understand why I have these problems.

On Onedrive Bussines it tells me I have almost two terabytes left

In the screens below, there are two clone disks, one informs me that I have full space (I don't understand why) and another mounted new on another PC gives me only 181GB free.
I also tried with Raidrive, this also only gives me 181GB free.


Is it a common problem? can it be solved somehow?

if you need additional help, when you posted, there was a template of questions for you to answer??

Hi thanks for such a quick response.

I tried to mount the disk on both my PCs, adding —modify-window

nothing changes in the rclone about command

it comes out like this:

Total:   5 TiB
Used:    4.823 TiB
Free:    181.265 GiB
Trashed: 0 B

But I don't understand why a different space appears on the OneDrive file manager, as I showed in the photo above.

the configuration is basic, I haven't made any changes and I'm testing with a simple mount command, I don't think it's necessary to send the mount command configuration

I'll add that I just noticed this in the log.
It's new, maybe it doesn't concern this topic

2024/10/11 18:06:11 CRITICAL: Failed to create file system for "bone-crypt:": failed to make remote "bone:folder01" to wrap: failed to get root: Get "***ca75u1q***nk68E_MNlbfqNe7y6qC***************************_Sat/root": dial tcp: lookup no such host

when you posted, there was a template of questions, none of which you answered???

how much data do you have in trash?

I wrote it before...
it's empty...
and also on the onedrive website it is empty

Maybe versioning is enabled?

rclone about and similarly rclone mount report what OneDrive API provides.

Web GUI and API should be the same but sometimes thx to Microsoft creativity they are not. Example of mess but with Onedrive Personal here.

Check on forums/github where Microsoft API discussions happen. I imagine you are not the only one experiencing it.

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